Chapter 15: House of Cards

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Apo should have known better when he agreed to date and fall in love with a billionaire, that meeting said billionaire's parents for the first time would require three things – essentials Mile said – lavish essentials he himself said:

A new wardrobe that he more than likely would only wear once as he inwardly cried at the price tag of every single item that was clad on his body, including his undergarments AND shoes...A brand-new car because, according to Mile, his father sent him a Mercedes for his birthday and had left it in the garage of the office to pick up; green, of course...A glimmering piece of jewelry around his neck that replaced the necklace that Mile gave him when they got together initially; engraved with their initials and higher priced than the first one...

He felt his knees buckle at the mere thought of the cost of everything. Mile was extra to a fault this time around and Apo's palms were clammy as he rubbed them against the brown trousers he wore, lightly turned his head to his right to look at his boyfriend who looked devastatingly dashing in his suit. The silhouette behind the sunglasses hid his eyes but, cast the right shadows across Mile's face as he bopped his head back and forth to the tune playing on the car's radio. It did nothing to assuage his nerves at how gorgeous Mile was and how the elder man just made the fabric work for him and not the other way around. Both suits were tailor-made from designer brands, fitted perfectly to his trim waist and Mile's broad shoulders.

Apo was sure he looked like a pauper or at the very least, a little kid lost in a store and seeking out the nearest adult to cling to for safety in his attire compared to Mile. It was probably just a charm Mile was born with. It wasn't that Apo didn't have the same swagger when the occasion called for it; he just didn't have anything to prop him up at the moment. No backing to say he was a success.

His shows and film roles were always secondary and at the time, Apo thought it was because that was the only ones he could get, now he understood it was his ex just manipulating the strings behind the scenes so he would stay dependent on Rama. Shaking his head, he knew this was probably for the best, if he wanted to get ahead and be on the cover of magazines or star in leads, not just be an accessory.

Everyone assured him the cards weren't stacked against him, but Apo couldn't help feeling that his life was like a precariously balanced house of cards. One little blow and it would all topple over. An irrational fear that held his tongue from retaliating too loudly or telling Mile to not go overboard.

Apo had discussed Laos with his lover, worked out a schedule together, and that's why Mile was driving now to Kalasin. The insistence to go to his parent's place, spend the night, and then make their way to the airport where the jet would be waiting to take them to Laos the next day was the plan. Mile worked out every minute to the second, colored Apo impressed at his boyfriend's ingenuity of calculating traffic patterns, which routes to take to avoid most of it, and even the topics of conversation to keep the flow from lulling or his parents getting too inquisitive 'He really is a robot...' Apo thought affectionately then spoke, "Mile..."

"I was wondering when you were going to join me."

"Huh?" Apo tilted his head confused as he stared at the red light in front of them, a little too long, but his ears tuned into Mile, "What do you mean?"

"You were zoned out for a good hour, baby. I didn't want to interrupt your thoughts as I know I have moments like that. If they break, I get a little frustrated that I won't be able to recollect them later. I let you enjoy that mind space," Mile chuckled as he pointed to the truck in front of him, "Besides these routes are very familiar to me. I can tune into the soft beats...hum the car ride there...and not realize I'd made it home until the door is being opened for me and I'm being greeted."

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