Chapter 7: The Fire Within

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Apo didn't think he'd come to see the day that Mile Phakphum Romsaithong ran around like a chicken with his head cut off as he watched his lover flit from one part of the airplane cabin they shared a passionate moment just three hours prior to the other part in a huff. He could see that Mile was looking for something, his cuff links after Apo pressed curiously, but didn't want to ask for the attendants since Apo was in a state of undress on the bed.

He offered to help the man, only to get a hand up from Mile followed by :"Relax here baby, you don't have to come with me for this meeting...besides you're still naked and enjoying the lazy mood. Stay. I'll send a car for you later and we'll go sight-seeing."

Mile insisted Apo stay to rest after the beating his body had taken with the indication of the blaring teeth mark on the golden shoulder and the dazed-out expression. He was quite willing, the delicious ache still sent shivers down his spine every time he shifted to sit up on the bed to watch the process in front of him.

The extra detail of letting Apo relax and not demand anything from him physically just nestled a seed of something Apo was not familiar with. If Mile kept at this pace, it would just bloom into a rose and he wasn't sure he was prepared for it. He watched the other continue in his task, blouse hung on pale shoulders as Mile clasped the belt to his trousers yet eyes searching all over still.

He figured Mile was more poised and was cutely frazzled now just made him accessible. Attainable. Irreverently shared a side of himself with Apo that the actor hoped was only his. A selfish thought that he harbored to himself, if he thought of others with Mile before him, he'd be irritated.

It really was endearing.

He considered himself lucky now. He was seeing all facets of this fellow with the blunt demeanor, gorgeous exterior, and amusingly serious presence. Right now, Mile was just exuding adorable. Apo's eyes traced the lines of Mile's pillow face; the redness there from not getting enough sleep but still being passed out after their mind-blowing sex, to the slight dark circles under the eyes, and the hair that stuck up all over the place. Mile, by all standards, was a mess.

But for Apo, it was the most human he had ever seen the man be, and he couldn't help find himself imagining mornings like this. Waking up together in bed, not always from a hot sex session but instead a domestic scene from their slumber, curled up against each other and pecking little kisses of 'good morning' before Mile remembered he had a meeting to get to and just rush around like a hummingbird. Apo would laugh before pulling himself to his feet to follow after Mile to help him, Mile would protest at first but then allow him to do it. Their walls chipped away by one another, their smiles uniquely theirs, and their actions just appreciated.

When he'd met Mile, it came with the intimidating allure of power and wealth that was rational as Mile WAS powerful and had a ton of wealth. But Apo could see that it was the years of built-up composure that came from the elder man who just carried himself with this confidence that was unshakable. It was a standard set onto his shoulders at a young age for being the only son to a wealthy and prestigious set of parents, it was a lot, and he could tell that Mile preferred to be direct to protect himself. He respected it for sure.

And yet, here they were, Mile just running around with veiled mumbles under his breath in a cranky tone, Apo's lips pulled into a smile.

They'd accidentally fallen asleep even though the flight to Egypt was just another three hours. It was that lazy after glow after they made love and—

Wait. Made love?

Why did that description flit through Apo's mind?

He moved to rub at an unknown soreness at his chest, the hues in his eyes turned solemn for a moment as he just swallowed down an unknown hurt. 'We had sex, we fucked...don't add love into the mix Apo, you'll get in trouble,' his mind supplied the rest, and he shook his head. To misconstrue anything he and Mile had with semblance of the 'L' word was to create an expectation for both of them that was nonsensical. To envision spending his mornings with this man, missing him when he wasn't around, to wanting to just always see the wide-infectious smile that made the world turn on its head at its splendor, no, Apo couldn't tickle that fancy.

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