Chapter 9: Right Place, Right Time

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"I thought you were kidnapped and tied up somewhere that you were unable to contact me," The voice on the other side of the phone commented, clearly miffed that lack of communication had occurred. And apparently munching on something if the occasional crunch was indicative of anything, "I was going to call the missing persons unit tomorrow. Penciled on my 'to-do' list."

"You weren't that worried if you had to pencil it..."

"I couldn't sleep with worry!" The shout muffled as it was being stuffed with the snack, "Anything is possible."

Another rolled their eyes, "Don't you think that's an exaggerated statement?"

"With you? No," Crunch, munch, a curse of dropping a chip on the floor with a mournful sound 'oh...' then the throat cleared and continued, "You are pretty gorgeous so I can see the appeal."

"Appeal for what?"

"To kidnap you to do devious things, Apo!"

"Are you hitting on me right now? A little late for that don't you think, Jeff? How long have we been friends to have an old flame?"

"FYI it is never too late to have an old flame or current flame or flame in general."

"Tell me about it..."

"Oh? Is there tea? I want all of it. You owe me everything."

"I could just hang up and call it a day—"

"I will LITERALLY disown you and...and..."

"Empty threats. I'm sure you ran when you heard my ringtone. Dancing in glee..."

A snort, "You aren't all that. I just happen to think your ringtone song is catchy, Po! It's not always about you..."

"Hanging up now—"

"No! No, okay fine yes. I ran to the phone and danced. Geez, can't even cut me a break!" A crumble of the bag to set it down and away, a soft whisper to someone before a grunt on the phone, "Ow, I need a new one."

"A new what? Are you doing something dirty while I'm on the phone? I will toss it into the Nile River and call it a day Jeff!"

"Bitch I was sitting down on my lumpy ass couch, told one of my cats to sit with me, how the hell did you get something dirty? If anything, YOU'RE probably the one doing something dirty!"


"Hah! I knew it! Well, I'm situated and ready for my bedtime story. Thank you."

"It's like afternoon for you..."

"Afternoon naps exist Apo. They're called siestas."

A heavy sigh escaped from the other side of the world and Jeff was definitely relieved to hear it. He had a good ability of reading people even if they were not in front of him and he could tell that Apo was in good spirits at least. Tired, but definitely okay.

Jeff sat back against his couch; feet propped up with one of his cats curled against his lap. His fingers pet along the soft texture of the feline's back as he shook his head. He had been in the middle of working on a new song when the familiar ringtone sounded, and it was like a siren's song to him. He hadn't heard from Apo for the past few days and to say he slightly panicked was an understatement. He was responsible for sending Apo off on this wayward adventure with a man he barely knew all excited.

A romance in the stars just waiting to be written, if Jeff was an author, he'd have jumped on that ship and written it, but he was a songwriter for a reason. He preferred to keep it short, simple, and a hit. But he made a mental note to pitch the thought to a best-seller regardless – who lived in a moment of being whisked away to faraway lands of a grandeur than his best friend?

Dance with the Dragon [Mile x Apo] [MileApo]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora