04. Best Friemds Brother

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" Stop being stupid. Come over please" my best friend Elise begged over the phone. It was a rainy Saturday and she was bored.

" I don't know Ellie maybe another time. I have a lot of er- homework" I sighed flopping on my bed.

" You liar. You told me you finished all your homework last night. Get your lazy ass over here" she commanded. I had been avoiding going to her house for at least a week now. Not because I was avoiding her but someone else for that matter.

" I just don't know if I feel like it today" I sighed nervously picking at my nails.

" I live in a mansion with a movie theatre. Of course you feel like it" she laughed. She was right. Her house was awesome. It hadn't always been that way though. There was a time when she lived in a small townhouse close to me. We lived within walking distance. When her brother got out of high school and started making lots of money everything changed. Elise became popular and her clothing became nicer and her house grew larger.

" ok fine. Is anyone else home with you?" I was hoping the answer was no.

" no parents just me and Timmy fart face" she groaned. Exactly what I had feared. Elise loved to complain about all the girls that crushed on her brother. His fans, her friends, neighbours basically anybody who laid eyes on him. I personally have known him since I was five years old  and for a long time I found him repulsive. However recently something has changed. I like him a lot. It's pretty embarrassing. Elise would kill me for joining what she liked to call the dark side.

" ok be there in 20 minutes" I said hanging up.

I walked over to my closet where I cursed myself for trying to pick the cutest outfit possible. This was ridiculous. I was doing hair and makeup for a boy a year older than me that is rich and fancy. Nothing that I could possibly wear would impress him.

I made my way over to her house and parked the car in their driveway. I knocked on the door while I scrolled through instagram reels on my phone. The door opened and I didn't even look up.

" Hey Ellie" I said glancing up only to see that it wasn't Elise at all. There stood a brown curly haired boy in black sweatpants and a black hoodie. Timothèe. My cheeks immediately went pink.

" Hey. I didn't know you were coming over" he said moving out of the way to let me in. Since when would I tell him if I was coming over?

" I wasn't planning on it but your sister forced me over here." I said trying not to look him directly in the eyes.

" sounds about right. Want something to eat?" He asked.

" umm no thanks" I smiled. " is Elise upstairs?" I asked. He nodded and headed back towards the living room.

I walked up the stairs through the hallway and into her humongous bedroom.

" oh thank god your here. I can't decide what dress to wear!" she said. She was standing in the middle of her walk in closet with at least five dresses piled in her hands. The floor was covered in about a dozen more.

" Whats the dress for?" I asked sitting on the end of her bed preparing for a fashion show.

" a party" she said nonchalantly picking up a red dress and pulling it over her head before strutting out of the closet and posing in front of me.

" how about this one?" She asked giving it a twirl. It was a ruby red body con mini dress with spaghetti straps.

" Is there a theme?" I asked trying to get a read on this event.

" yeah it's just some dumb neighborhood party. Where all these snobby rich people get to come into our house and act bitchy. So I guess kind of formal" Elise had never liked her neighborhood. She didn't like being rich and she certainly stayed away from the spotlight. She liked to let Timmy shine.

Timothèe Imagines🫀Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon