Summer Begins When I'm With You☀️

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Okay this is a chapter that took me way way too long to write. This story is based off of The Summer I Turned Pretty. ( If you haven't watched it yet I totally recommend reading the books first. The book is always better than the show) The plot is pretty much the same except I've changed a few things around. Anyway I hope you enjoy!

This summer already feels strange. The sun hasn't come out once and the wind has been harsh. In the 16 years I've been coming to the Chalamet's summer home I have never felt a summer quite like this one. It's only three days into July, but it has been three days without any time in the pool, without anytime playing video games on the couch all afternoon, without being together.

Me, my brother Daniel, Timothèe and his brother Christopher  spent every July and August at their families beach house. It was a tradition our families have been keeping with science before any of us were even born.

Daniel is the oldest out of us. He's 18 and he likes to rub it in at every possible chance he gets. Of course he never lets his little sister forget that he's legally an adult and can do whatever he wants. Timothèe is the second oldest, but not by much. He's 17 but he doesn't act as pompous as my brother. Christopher and I are both 16. Our mothers tell us we have a special connection because they were both pregnant at the same time with the two of us.

The rain hasn't stopped today and everyone is locked in their rooms. It seems that the older we get the less the guys want to hang out. Especially Timothèe. He's become so stand offish and distant that he's almost unrecognizable.

But there's one thing that will never change no matter how different this summer feels and that's how I feel about Timothèe. Something about his green eyes and brown wavy hair draws me in, even when he acts like a total dick. Honestly at every moment he gets he shows me what a complete asshole he is, but I've loved him for 10 years and that won't change.

I swing my bedroom door open and head down the stairs into the living room where Penny ( Christopher and Timothees mom) sat scrolling on her phone.

" Hey" I say announcing my presence before collapsing on the cushion beside her. She immediately puts her phone down and gives me her full attention. Something my mother could never do.

" Violet sweetie how are you?" She asks. I realize that this is one of the first time I've spoken to her alone this summer.

" Meh. I wish the weather was better. I want to go down to the beach" I say glancing out the nearby window to look at the sand and waves in the distance.

" I say go. Don't let the weather hold you back from having fun. A little rain never hurt anyone" She laughed. I don't know if that statement is necessarily true, people catch colds and get pneumonia all the time because if being outside during rain or bad weather, but I love Penny's positivity.

" Maybe Timothèe would go with you. He's been locked up in his room all day" she said smiling a little too wildly now. Everyone knows that I used to have a huge crush on him when we were little, but Lenny is the only one who knows how real it still is. She tells me all the time she'll be mad if her son marries anyone other than me.

" Everyone has been in their rooms" I comment. Her expression falters.

" Okay so invite everybody and if they don't want to go I'll make them go" she huffed. I took that as my sign to go and try to get everyone out of their rooms.

I start by knocking on my own brothers door. His room is right beside mine down the left hallway.

" Daniel!" I bang on the door louder. He just still be in bed I think to myself. My suspicion was proven correct when he opens the door rubbing his tired sleep filled eyes.

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