Friends That Kiss

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Smut Warning! ⚠️
" Oh my god the weather in New York is awful!" my friend Eliza shouted over the loud rain.

" Yeah but it's part of the magic!" I breath.

Me, Eliza, and Becca are in New York just for the weekend. University is officially over and it's time for them to follow their dreams.

All through high school they were always envious of me for switching to homeschooling and becoming a model. We had a rocky friendship stemmed out of pure jealousy and frustration. I'm hoping that now they have the opportunity to be whoever they want our relationship can heal.

Eliza wants to become an interior designer and Becca an actress.

" Your roughy the weather is part of the charm" Becca says speaking up. " You know what? I think I could see myself moving here one day." She says craning her head up toward the big buildings.

" Really? All this rain is doing it for you?" Eliza says unamused.

"I think it's a great city. A lot of opportunities for an actor" I say nudging her shoulder.

My stomach sinks to the bottom of my stomach when I see the part of New York we're nearing. I very very very familiar part.

I've been hiding Timothèe from my friends for so long that I forgot I even had to worry about this.

I've been such close friends with him ever since high school. We met at some stupid connections event and have been best friends ever since. There's always been a little bit of tension between us. We know we like each other but we don't tell each other.

I've never told Eliza or Becca because it just feels like a reason for them to hate. Another reason for them to feel jealous.

I can see the paparazzi in the distance. Shit.

" Is the paparazzi hear for you or are we about to run into another celeb" Eliza asks me.

" I don't think their head for me" I say nothing the brown curly hair that stand in between the cameras.

" oh my god I'm going to die." Beacca says her eyes widening. " I think that Timothèe Chalamet!" She says.

" Oh your right! I would do anything for that boy. I take it back Rebecca maybe you should move here" Lizzie breaths.

The cameras get closer and soon we're swept up in a crowd of chaos. Cameras are flashing and we're being pushed and shoved. I even notice a few reporters take notice of who I am and start laying attention to me. I quickly pull us into a bakery to wait it out.

The crowd doesn't seem to be dying down so we take a seat. I carefully place my coffee down on the table and sit with my back to the window. I don't want Timmy to notice me and blow my cover around my friends.

" That boy is so damn fine" Rebecca muses sipping her tea. " Shit shit shit"

" what?!" I ask fearing the worst.

" He's coming inside!" I bury my head in my hands at Beccas excitement. Oh no.

" what's he doing?" I ask praying he hasn't seen me. I'm now regretting sitting with my back to the of the store.

" he's looking for someone" she says. Lizzie and her squeal. " he's coming towards!....." they pause as the realization hits them. " he's coming towards you" the gasp.

" guys I need to tell you something" I begin but I'm cut off by his presence. Everyone in the store is staring now. He plops himself down in the chair beside me and smiles.

Timothèe Imagines🫀जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें