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he was glad that it's wednesday, he can wake up whenever he wants. cause if he has work, he's sure he'll be suspended.

he walks carefully to the stairs as he rubs his eyes. head aching, must be hungover. but he was startled when he smelled a soup being cooked in his kitchen.

how many people from his friend group have a duplicate of his house gate key?

"you're awake already, finally" he heard someone talk, making him smile.

it's his step brother, Soonyoung.

"hi hyung, it's been a while? and you have a duplicate of my key?" he asked as he sat.

"let's say i climb over your damn gate? but nevermind that. Minghao texted me that you'll be having a huge hangover in which i think was true as i can see so i came over." his brother explained while putting a bowl of soup in front of him. "and care to explain who's the guy you've been seeing? he sent me a picture of you, and beside you is a blond haired guy" he added.

"his cousin, who is my friend, I'm busy with such things"

"I'm busy with such things" the two synchronized at the last phrase which made the younger roll his eyes before eating the soup.

"you don't need to hide your feelings Chan. if you feel like loving someone, then do it." Soonyoung adviced.

and suddenly, a guy popped up on his mind. Seungkwan. the blond beautiful guy that lives 20 blocks away from his house.

"see? you like him but you're denying it. you're 27 already, your old enough" his brother said, he sighs.

"what if he breaks me too? like, what if he will know the real me and starts to hate me?" Chan said, overthinking.

and with that, Soonyoung's smile vanished. his brother's past really did affect him.

"wanna drink? just light beverages"

"that would be nice."

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