9.6 earthquake

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"with a brave warning from Dr Lawrence Hayes blanketing the air waves... San Francisco has begun evacuation the Coast guard is asking anyone with access to a boat to please volunteer."a man on the news says as multiple tvs are shown in front of Lawrence and Serena hopeing what they did gave the people in San Francisco in this time to get out."I hope we've given everyone enough warning"he says as they watch the multiple screens.

Before a slow shaking starts causing everyone to look up from what they were doing as a rumbling is heard"this is it isn't it?" Serena says with dread a sthe shaking starts to pick up as Lawrence looks around "right now I wanna be so wrong" he says before turning back to everyone just as the TV's are glitching off as the shaking grew more violent "everyone take cover!"he yells before he and Serena take cover underneath a desk as well as everyone els."it'll be over here soon. But pray for the people in San Francisco."he says breathing hard as they hold on to the legs of the table as pieces of the ceiling fall with lights flickering on and off.

As the five walk down a street with Ollie leading the way Mila was getting to know Tyler as a row of bikes are shown falling over before they come up to where the building Daniel was working on as they look at it with a frown "what is it"Ben asked noticeing there reaction to the building.

Mila not being able to say the bastards name since he left them to die as Blake takes a deep breath "Daniel built that building"as she explains while it was silent between all them before they felt a jult through the ground as it shakes as they all look around the house behind them shows a large crack going up the wall as rumbling is heard as car alarms go off before another large jult happened as they fall to the ground hand as it shakes violently.

"Ahh!"mila screams havening had fallen on her injured arm."oh my God" Blake looks around as light pols spark and fall with lines"oh shit"she says out of breath as many different buildings and house's around them start to crumble as large pieces fall to the ground with a thud. Tyler groans standing up before helping Mila up by the waist as they run behind a car taking cover. Tyler sees Blake,Ollie and Ben still out in harm's way"hey come over here!" He shouts for them to take cover were they are hidimg at.

Ben screams for Blake and Ollie to move before a shattering noise is heard above him a she looks up just as multiple shards of glass small and large rain down upon him as he covers his head screaming curling up but a piece of the glass had launched its self into his upper leg as he screams in pain while the ground continues to shake violently with a loud rumbling noise. Blake stubbles up onto her feet as she runs to Ollie who was struggling to get up"come on Ollie!"she said urgently before helping him up as they try to hurry to were Tyler and Mila are waiting for them as they run forward they had to stop by bending down as there was another mager jult before rushing over to Tyler and Mila as they all take cover Ollie was crying wanting to go help his brother as more houses are crumbling "I want to go home now"he shouts crying having had enough as Blake holds on to him right in her arms "just hold on!it's gonna be okay I promise!"she pleads with him over the rumbling as all for of them wait for it to be over.

In the city part of San ea building can be seen slowly falling onto it crashed against the building beside it and more are crumbling piece by piece with explosion comeing from some of them. Down on one of the busy streets people are shown running around screaming as parts of buildings are falling all around them just as half of the street jults up breaking up from the other half with a loud crack and sparks. as two subway tunnels are shown with the subway comeing straight out as it crashed as the ground had lifted so far up one of the tallest light tan buildings supports fully break the building is shown completely falling as another building is shown literally breaking in half as they fall apart with a loud creaking and groaning.

Soon the bridge is shown shaking back and forth from the earthquake as people on the bridge can be heard screaming in pure fear just as one part of the middle of the bridge collapsed underneath sending anyone who was on that stretch into the water below with debris and dust as the bridge completely twisted and turns from the force. Down by at&t park the ground can be physically shown moving up and down from the force of the earthquake as many things crumble along the way.

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