Chapter 19

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Julia had messaged Marianna instructions to meet at Red Tail Park, hoping that a space that was both public and private would give everyone the comfort they'd need to continue with the heavy discussion that was to come. Marianna had reacted poorly to Julia's discovery, and Julia didn't doubt that she'd respond even worse when she'd find out just how she acquired that knowledge. Perhaps with some civilians around, she wouldn't be quick to off Julia like she had attempted with Zane after learning he was an agent.

"I'm starting to see a trend here." Zane piped up as he settled down on the bench next to Julia. "So, we go here for when things turn to shit?"

"Seems like it."

"She's going to freak out..."

"She already did, remember?"

"And that's before even knowing the whole story." Zane flinched just as the words flew out of his mouth, clearly not looking forward to the conversation with Marianna. "What's up with this city attracting so many agents?"

"Your guess is as good as mine," she replied, rubbing her hands over her face. "This is crazy. How did you not know about her attending school here?"

"Marianna is a very private person. Although we've worked together often in the past, she never shared what she does outside of agency activities." He explained, running his hand through his hair slowly. "I was sure she had mentioned living in New York City, though."

"That's impossible—not only is it a totally different state, but it's a totally different city and school district."

"She has her reasons and her methods, I'm sure."

Julia thought about that. She had never been to Marianna's home before, so she'd never confirmed whether she lived in the area or not. They often went to Julia's house instead, and she never thought anything of it. Maybe she did live in the city that never sleeps, and it could explain her tardiness and ability to blend in. Going to a school out of the district wasn't common, and it probably made it harder to track what she was doing. Zane knew and worked with her yet didn't know she would be attending the same academic setting as him. Proof of addresses were easy to come by and even easier to falsify, so it would've been effortless for her to manage.

"I won't question her about it," she concluded, wanting to give her friend the privacy that she obviously worked hard to maintain. "But I need to know... are you and Marianna from the same agency?"

It was silent, except for the faint murmurs of those talking and shuffling through the park. Julia assumed he wasn't going to answer, which was what she would've expect. After all, they'd told one another too much already, and shouldn't be so trusting of another agent with unknown origins. Despite that, there was an unspoken connection—as all agents probably had—and it developed a sense of security that was hard to counter. There would always be secrets between them, but it was something that they seemingly accepted. This could just be another one.

Zane stared at the lake in front of him, deeply contemplating her question. His silence already revealed the answer to her, confirming her suspicions, and it made her want to sigh in relief. She could handle the situation better knowing that both of them were from Solaris, but she wouldn't disclose her awareness to them. She felt it was the least she could do as damage control for this scenario.

The two looked over towards the entrance of the park to find Marianna trudging her way over to them, her lips straightened into a firm line. She was no longer wearing the school uniform, and instead, wore a hoodie and sweatpants, along with a baseball cap over her short hair. When she reached the bench, she dropped her bag onto the grass before settling herself next to Julia.

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