Chapter 20

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Julia waited at her locker for Zane to appear, much like she'd been doing for the last week and a half. After learning about the manhunt for Julia, he'd kept his word about walking her home after school, expressing his frustration when she hadn't taken him seriously and left him behind on the first day. She'd only been halfway up the street from the school before she heard someone sprinting towards her from behind. The look of fury in Zane's face had made her stop short in acute fear, surprised to see that kind of expression on him. If she were honest, it was a bit entertaining, and she'd been tempted to do the same the following day. But considering his concern for her, she felt it wouldn't be fair to tease him too much.

As much as she had been against him joining her on her walks home, she couldn't deny the comfort that it provided her. Being alone made her feel as though a bullet would go through her skull at any moment, and it became incredibly unnerving. His presence made everything feel much more manageable for her. Their conversations would also distract her from the fact that Virtus and her parents were keeping things from her, which was frustrating, considering the abuse she was getting from Mortifer. Her intuition alone had her convinced that the situation was dire, but having their confirmation would help her settle the next plan of action for herself.

Zane appeared from the end of the hallway, waving at Julia as he paced over to her with a brilliant smile. She couldn't resist the pull of her lips as she mimicked him, finding his grin to be incredibly contagious. She met him halfway before they exited through the front doors, starting the trek back to her place. They spoke about their day, highlighting their most enjoyable moments, which often involved Marianna, Sydney, or Caroline and their mischievous tendencies. When the two didn't have class with one another, they were lucky enough to be accompanied by one of the three, regularly resulting in stifled laughter or being seconds away from killing someone.

"That bruise on your jaw is pretty much gone now," he observed thoughtfully, tilting his head so he could look at Julia more clearly. "I was seriously worried when it developed a few days after that mission you had." She tried not to flinch as she remembered what happened in Miami. The external interference and its investigation were never closed out—Virtus was never able to track where it could have come from. She was also worried about Steven, who'd been severely injured and hadn't returned her calls and texts. In her mind, Julia knew that if he was in critical condition, Red would disclose that to her. He was probably back on his feet and moving forward as per usual, but she still couldn't get over how badly the mission had ended.

"How I got it wasn't pleasant."

"I'm sure." He frowned, reaching his hand out to her before hesitating, pausing just a few inches from where the bruise had been. His eyebrows were knitted together as he scanned the area once more. "Is it still tender?"

"No, it doesn't hurt anymore." She gave him a gentle smile, finding his consideration to be very touching.

"How'd you explain that one this time?"

"I slipped in the kitchen and the counter caught my jaw on the way down—"

"You're not serious right now." Zane chuckled, shaking his head at her. "That's unbelievable."

"Is it, though?" He thought about it, a smile spreading across his mouth.

"I can see it happening..." He mused, sliding his hands into his pockets when a gust of wind blew. "After the way you fell during that war simulation, people probably think anything is possible with you."

"That's not fair! Your team played dirty."

"All is fair in love and war, Julia."

She didn't have a response for that, finding it to be undeniably true. She knocked his shoulder with her own as a silent refute, smirking at him when he sent her a wink.

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