Getting used to Splatsville

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"So why did you bring me out here?" Franky asked Frye.

"I just wanted to get you outta that apartment for awhile!" Frye explained.

"What if people notice me?" Franky worried.

"Bah, your disguise will work fine, no one will see through it unless they already know who you are." Frye reassured.

Frye was friends with the shopkeepers of Splatsville, and they got Franky a different outfit to stand out less to the public. He was wearing a classic bowler with sunglasses, and a tan overcoat.

"If you say so." Franky said.

"You see anyone noticing me? Disguises work!" Frye said.

It's true, her outfit was a takoroka hat and a yellow zip up hoodie, to Franky, it was obvious who she was, but no one else seemed to notice.

"Yeah I guess, where are we going by the way?" Franky asked.

"My favorite ramen place, you'll love it!" Frye said.

"And.. you only invited me, and not your friends?" Franky questioned.

"Oh, Shiver and Big Man are busy, and well, you know, I wanted to show you around the city." Frye explained.

"Uh huh."

They walked down the street to the restaurant and walked in, they both sat down at a small round table at opposite ends. Frye's mind was racing to find any conversation topics.

"Uhm, so.. what's your story?" Frye asked, she figured the best way to get to know Franky was to just get to the point.

Franky paused for a moment.

"You don't want to know." He said.

"Sure I do! Tell me!" Frye demanded.

"It's long and complicated, and it would ruin the moment." Franky said.

Frye was a little annoyed, reluctantly, she changed the subject.

"Okay so... Tell me about you." Frye said.

"Like, my interests and stuff? Eh, I'm too boring, you won't like it." Franky said.

"Oh really?! You said your backstory is long and complicated, and now you're telling me that you're too boring to talk about yourself?" Frye said annoyed.

"Uhh, I don't know.." Franky said, getting flustered, he doesn't do well under pressure.
"Uhm, tell me about you." He said.

"Oh, ok, well.. I'm an eel tamer." Frye said.

"A wha-?" Franky asked.

"An eel tamer, I've tamed a bunch, you should see them! They're quite friendly!"

"Oh cool! You've been doing this for a while?

"Yeah, my family has been doing it for generations!" Frye explained, relieved, this conversation was finally going somewhere.

"Mmm! What about your friends?" Franky asked.

"Oh, we've been friends since high school! I met Shiver first, I didn't have many friends in school, so she decided to hang out with me, we used to go up on the roof and practice singing due to both of us wanting to get into music, but we needed a good musician, when we heard that Big Man was good at piano, so we recruited him, and budda budda BAM, we've all been besties ever since!" Frye explained.

"Whoa.. that's so cool!" Franky said.

"Yeah, but enough about me.. I wanna know about you!" Frye said, leaning forward.

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