I Got 99 Problems, And School Are All of Them

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(This story is purely for enjoyment, if anything is offensive to anyone, I apologise beforehand, I write for fun so any feedback would be appreciated. Uploading parts can depend, but I will try to upload at least once a month. Please do not plagarise my work, or use it without my consent. I hope you enjoy the story. Thank you <3)

Ring! There goes the sound I hate the most in the world; the sound of my school bell. Reluctantly, I started making my way towards my form room. Whilst making my way to my destination, I could hear snippets of what was going on in other people's lives. Who is dating who, what someone scored on the physics test last week and (my personal favourite) what was for lunch today.

Swinging the door open, I walked into my form room and put myself on auto pilot. I said 'Good Morning' to everyone who greeted me and smiled while making my way to my seat at the back of the class. Sitting at the back had so many benefits, I could sneak on my phone, talk to my friends and even eat my breakfast, without getting caught. However, my favourite aspect of all is that I don't have a seatmate next to me. It's not like I'm a misanthropist; I'm just anti-social, and the strong 'I' in my MBTI will agree with that.

"Pssst! Anima!" I turned my head to find out where that sound came from only to see it was my friend, Thena, aggressively trying to get my attention. She was a tall, overdramatic and irritating ginger that was supposedly my friend, but I regret that decision every day of my life. "What?" I whispered irritatedly. Thena immediately put both of her hands on her heart and looked offended, she then broke the act and said "I'm going to the party this Saturday and you're coming with me, and this is a statement not a question, I only told you this today so you can buy a good dress to wear and not show up looking homeless". This time I put my hands on my heart pretending to take offence, but Thena simply rolled her eyes and turned around to listen to the morning announcements.

Our form room teacher was going through the daily, boring, announcements; it was the regular, stop skipping lessons, don't chew gum and stop pressing the fire alarm. But, one thing caught my attention, the teacher said that there will be a new guy joining our class tomorrow, it's not like I care or anything, but I guess the girls in my class will have a new toy to play with for a bit. As soon as the girls heard about a guy joining our class they broke out into whispers...

"I hope he's hot"

"Yeah, the guys at our school are so average"

"Everybody pray that he is hot"

"And pray that he's straight, I swear all the good ones are always gay"

"Good point, everybody pray that he is hot and straight"

I had to restrain myself from rolling my eyes, why were the girls in my class so 'pick-me'; even though a little part of me, that I didn't want to admit, was curious about this new guy as well.

After all that ruckus, the day finally began and we started lessons, meaning I had to actually use my brain, which was difficult, because it was a Monday. I went on with my extremely monotonous day with only one source of motivation, I was having pizza with my family tonight.


After an extremely hectic day, I got on my bus to go home; I enjoyed bus journeys, there's something about the recurring trees, endless conversations and occasional turns that entertained me beyond ends. Getting off the bus, I cast a glance to the sky, it was a pretty blue nightingale colour with streaks of magenta intertwined in it. The cold air wrapped around me and rested on the exposed skin on my face. Eagerly, I started to make my way home, it was only a 10 minute walk and I was walking extra fast in lust for the pizza.

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