Stupid Cupid

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Jeons eyebrows shot up and came back down almost instantly, but his only response was "You can see me?". I either had a really low alcohol tolerance, or I just saw Jeon with wings, piercing someone with a bow and arrow. "What are you? Why do you have wings? Why did you attack this man? Are you a part of a cult or something?" I unleashed a series of questions to Jeon. "Cupid. Because I'm an angel. I didn't attack him. I'm not in a cult" Jeon responded to all of my questions with a calm voice, but this was too much for my brain to process. Cupid? Angel? What? Confusedly, I managed to say, "Well, if you're cupid, that means you're a good guy...right?". "You could suppose so." Jeon mused. Unexpectedly, that sent a wave of relief through me, knowing that Jeon wasn't going to cause any harm made me feel "Since you're the good guy, you're gonna move this guy to somewhere safe...aren't you?" I questioned. Jeon found my statement so funny he burst out laughing; "Uhhh no. If you want to, feel free to. But my job ends with me releasing my arrow". Why wasn't I surprised, a person with an ego as big as his would never, willingly, help someone else. "But-" I began to protest, but he flew down to the ground, folded his wings, making them disappear, and started making his way into a cab, I presumed, he had hired. Frustratedly, I looked up at the stars and cursed them, "Want to make my life any harder?" I spat, but I wished I hadn't said that, because at that very moment, it began to rain.


One week had passed since I saw Jeon attack, I mean pierce, someone. That day I saw him with wings and a bow and arrow was the last time I saw him, ever since then he hasn't come to school. Him disappearing after I saw him with wings did seem suspicious to me, I also considered telling others, but then I thought about what I'd say, "Hey everyone, on Saturday when we were all at the party I went outside and saw Jeon with wings while he was attacking someone random guy with a bow and arrow.".

Jeon mentioned the fact that he was an angel, more precisely cupid. This didn't sit right with me, I thought angels were myths and I would have preferred it if they had stayed in mythology; like how letters should have stayed in English, instead of interfering in Maths. But, my curiosity, as always, got the best of me, and whenever I had time during the day, I would research mythology. Greek mythology, Roman mythology or even Egyptian mythology, you name it, I haven't wanted to know more about something until now.

Even though it was a dreary Monday morning, I had a surge of determination to find out what this whole angel ordeal was. I was in my form room, on my phone reading more about cupid, he was the God of Love; whoever was hit by his arrow would fall madly in love with the first person they cast their eyes upon. However, cupid was infamously known for being mischievous, he would make two people who loved each other, hate each other, or make two people who hated each other, love each other. Cupid had many names, Eros, Amor, Min, Feyr, Kama. Reading about cupid made me understand more about Jeon, about how and why he acted the way he did.

Talk of the devil, or angel you could say, Jeon slightly opened the door and walked into the room; that was the cue for all the girls to go and talk to him, showering him with:

"Oh my god! I missed you Jeon"

"Where did you disappear to after the party"

"Hey can I get your number"

"You look good today Jeon"

This time I couldn't stop myself from laughing at their desperation. Unfortunately, my snigger was loud enough for them to hear; "What are you laughing at? At least we have friends to talk to, unlike you, you've literally become a shadow ever since Jaxon left you" one of them scowled at me. Usually, I didn't care about the lonely comments that were made about me, but this was a step too far, just the name of my ex got me furious and I had to bite back, "I'd rather have no friends, than fake friends. And it's not like you can talk, you've never once had a boyfriend in your life. And everyone can so clearly see your desperation, you flirt with everything that has a heartbeat.". Jeon must have sensed the tension in the room, because he calmly wrapped up the conversation with the girls and came over and sat next to me.

My focus immediately changed to the creature sat next to me and I blurted, "Did you fly to school today?". My question was out of pocket and definitely got his attention, "What are you talking about?" Jeon whisper-shouted to me. Did this man (correction angel) forget I saw the stunt that he pulled at the party on Saturday. "You know exactly what I'm talking about, when I saw you on the rooftop with the wings and everything" I whispered to him. "That night you had drunk alcohol, angel, I'm pretty sure you hallucinated me having wings" Jeon countered with a blank expression on his face. "Anima" I protested, because he had used that nickname for me, again. No way was I going to believe that what I saw that night wasn't real. Just as I was about to protest, he turned his head away from me, signalling that he was in no mood to talk with me. Jerk. But, there was no way I was going to give up that easily. I thought of a plan, a way to make him say he's cupid and admit it to me. Slyly, I started speaking, "Hey Jeon, what period do we have next?"; to that he blankly stated "Chemistry". Then I began again "Hey Jeon?" this time I was ignored; I thought of all of the other names he went by, Kama, Cupid, Min, but one particular one stuck out to me. "Hey Eros..." I started, but I didn't need to go on any further with my sentence, because Jeon had already replied with a soft "Hmm?". My eyes widened, my lips spread out  into a smile, and I laughed triumphantly. "Gotcha! And no more excuses, you literally answered to the name Eros." I said between my laughs. "Okay fine, just keep your voice down, do you want everyone to know?" he sighed frustratedly. I mimed zipping my mouth shut. But, I couldn't keep it shut for long enough, "So, stupid cupid, your secrets out, what are going to do about it now?" I teased Jeon; his eyes swivelled around to meet mine and his mouth was curling up into a dimpled smile, not the fake one he wears most of the time, but a genuine one. "Stupid cupid?" Jeon questioned; to that I logically replied, "Well, since you are so stuck on the nickname you have for me, I thought it would only be fair if I had one for you too, and it's a good nickname...stupid cupid.". Jeon let out a small laugh, again a genuine one, and added "Well then, angel, seems like we are actually getting along, who would have thought.". I thought about that statement for a moment, giving a thoughtful reply, "Hmm, I didn't get along with the alternative fake personality you have, this genuine one seems perfectly fine to me". Jeon frowned at my comment about the alternative fake personality, "You could say I like to shield myself from people by not letting them know the real me, I know it sounds messed up, but I guess that's my defence mechanism" he said truthfully. To his surprise, I knew exactly what he felt like and I could understand where he was coming from.

"To what pleasure do we humans have to see THE cupid in our earthly realms." I sarcastically asked, trying to change the topic. Jeons answer came after a lot of thought, presumably debating whether he could tell me this information or not, "I'm here to experience human love" he deadpanned. That was not the answer I was expecting, I thought he was here for a field trip or something, "Wait, so, you're telling me, the God of Love has come to Earth" I guessed. "Something like that" Jeon sighed; "Surely you could pierce yourself with an arrow or someone else with one of the arrows to help you finish your...mission?". My logic was clearly not the way the Gods worked, because Jeon was rather amused at my solution and replied, "I'm immune to my arrows and so are some of the other Gods, so that's plan A cancelled, and as for plan B of using my arrows on someone else, I'm here to experience human love, that means I cannot use my arrows on others, so I have to do it the hard way.". "The hard way? You mean actually liking someone for them and not because they were the first person they saw after being pierced with an arrow to the heart." I explained. "Sure. Put it that way." he chuckled, "So once you fall in love, you just go back to the clouds" I questioned. "Yes, and I hope that day comes quickly." Jeon prayed. His response confused me a little, and so did this entire mission. "So little recap, the Angel of Love has been sent down to earth to learn to love, the hard way, and once he does fall in love, he has to go back, leaving the relationship he has just made, breaking his heart, if he has one, and the human girl's heart.". Jeon processed everything and said "Yes, that is exactly what I'm here to do".

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