Tutoring Jeon?

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"Anima, just tell me, the suspense will end up killing me" Thena asked me for the 100th time, to which I replied for the 100th time, "No, I'll tell you when we get to your house". Thena let out an aggressive sigh and fastened her pace. Her house was only a 10 minute walk from school, but right now it felt like a 10 hour walk. Turning right, we found ourselves on Cressfield Road, and shortly after, we found ourselves in the driveway of Thenas house. She quickly opened the door, dragged me into her room, and sat me down, "Spit it out" Thena said abruptly. Taking a deep breath, I calmly started, "The Dustin guy you're on about, he's not the one, I think he's a player". Thena was dumbfounded to say the least, slowly gathering herself, Thena responded, "Uhhhh...okay? How... how do you know?". "Last weekend I went to the cafe and he was there as a part timer and during his break he sat with me and asked for my number." I said all in one breath, hoping it would hurt less, like it does when you rip off a plaster. Silence. "What?" That was all Thena could manage to say. "It's true, I'm sorry, but he seems like a player and I don't want you to get your heart broken, so...stay away from him...okay?" I told Thena. Comforting people was not exactly my area of expertise, but at least I was trying. Slowly, I edged towards her and wrapped her into a hug, it's not often where we actually express how much the other means to us, but right now Thena needed this. Lacing her hands around my waist, Thena hugged me back and we stayed like that for a while.

Pulling out of the hug, I proceeded to flick her on the forehead and teased, "Yah! How could you be so dumb". That statement earnt a small laugh from Thena, it also earnt me a pillow thrown at my head, also from Thena. "You really kept me in suspense there, I thought you were going to announce your everlasting love for Jeon " Thena teased back, but I rolled my eyes and sighed loudly enough for her to hear. "Order food I'm hungry" I announced, opening my phone and seeing if anything in particular caught my eye. "I just got my heart-broken, and you're telling me to order food" Thena complained, acting sad, but I knew what she was trying to do. "Tough, it's your turn to pay, and if you're going to act melodramatic at least do it well, I don't see a single tear in sight, so you aren't heart-broken".

The food arrived and we sat together and watched a sad film, on Thenas request, I messaged my mum saying that Thena needed moral support and that I was going to stay at her house for the night. Thena was an idiot, but I loved her just the way she was.

"Get your lazy self up Anima, before I pour ice cold water on your face!" threatened Thena. "Five more minutes and I'll be up", I groaned in response, pulling the duvet covers over my head, just in case she was actually going to put ice cold water over me. "Fine, take 10 minutes instead, I'm leaving because it's already 8:30am and school starts in 15 minutes", and with that Thena left the room, slamming the door with as much strength that she had, and I took that personally. "Hmm...okay....wait...WHAT!" I shrilled, trying to find my uniform that I threw somewhere on the floor; Thena gave me a pair of her pyjamas to sleep in, so my uniform wouldn't crease. Quickly, and clumsily, I pulled on my uniform and brushed my hair out, leaving Thenas' room, I made my way to the bathroom. Splashing my face with water, I forced myself to wake up, and opening the bathroom cabinet, I grabbed a spare toothbrush and began to brush my teeth. After finishing up, I hastily made my way downstairs and put my shoes on; "Eat breakfast, idiot" I heard Thena say whilst walking towards me, mostly likely from the kitchen. "Breakfast is for the weak," I said back, knowing that my stomach will be growling by the end of first period. And with that we made our way to school.


How is it only Tuesday? It feels like it should at least be Friday 4:00 pm by now. Letting out a loud sigh, I trudged along to school with Thena by my side, who was too busy on her phone to care about my life problems. "By the way Thena, you owe me" I deadpanned. That definitely got her attention. "What? No, I don't"; "Of course you do, I saved you from a douche, so you owe me, end of conversation", "But, yo-" Thena began. "Oh would you look at that, our form room is here, I need to assist the new student, see you later" I emphasised the word 'assist', and smugly smiled whilst entering the classroom.

Discreetly making my way towards my seat, I got stopped by my form tutor, "Anima, just the person I was looking for". I was slightly confused as to why I was needed, but I continued to reply, "Everything alright sir?". "Yes, I just needed you to help Jeon a little bit with his grades.". "Help. Why?"; "Well, ever since he's moved here, his grades have been...below expected, so I thought, if every Wednesday lunch, you could help him a little bit, you'll consolidate your learning and help Jeon with his studies as well". I was confused, as to whether my form tutor was asking me to help Jeon or stating that I must help Jeon. "Have you asked Jeon about this?" I questioned, hoping he would have already declined this offer. "Yes I have and, when I asked who he wanted as a tutor, he requested if you could, so are you willing to help him". Gosh dang it. "It would be my pleasure," I said with a forced smile.

Sitting down at my desk, I wondered, why me? Why would Jeon specially ask for me to help him? What is he trying to do? How did he agree to being tutored in the first place? Doesn't he have places to fly and girls to woo? Asking myself question after question, I thought I'd simply ask Jeon when he would turn up to form, but he never did.

"Thank you" I mumbled to the driver whilst getting off at my bus stop. Making my way home, I realised how I should have bought a coat with me, it was a bit stupid of me to not bring one in the midst of December. Releasing that it was December already, I cheered up thinking about the Christmas holidays. I was excited about Christmas, but I was ecstatic about not having to wake up early in the morning for school.


Unlocking the door, I said "I'm home"; walking into the living room, I saw that my parents were sitting on the sofa in a deep conversation with someone. That someone was Aunty Pria. A smile immediately crept onto my face, "Hi Aunty Pria, it's been such a long time since I last saw you." I said. "Good evening gorgeous, it's almost been 2 years, oh how much I've missed you" she squealed, embracing me into a hug.

Aunty Pria, wasn't my Aunty by blood, but by feeling. A couple of years ago, my parents and I lived in another neighbourhood, and our neighbour was Aunty Pria, she would always come over and pamper me with gifts and chocolates. Aunty Pria didn't have any kids of her own, so I guess she saw me as her daughter. I remember being heart-broken, when my parents decided to move out of the neighbourhood. Even though Auntie Pria lives away from us, she occasionally comes for a visit, and every time she did I was overwhelmed with a sense of nostalgia and love.

"Anima, why don't you go shower and get changed, Aunty Pria is having dinner with us", Ma suggested. "Okay" I chirped, and I made my way upstairs. I was not expecting to be in such a good mood on a Tuesday afternoon, but I guess after the horrible morning I've had, the angels were blessing me with a great evening.

Wearing comfy clothes (my favourite joggers and a hoodie)), I put lip balm on, tied my hair into a bun, and made my way downstairs. Entering the kitchen, my mind immediately went to the bowls of food set out on the dining table. Looking at what was on the table, I mentally reminded myself to tell my mother that I love her. On the table was; Spinach and Paneer Curry, Paneer Tikka, Lentil Curry, Naan, and fried rice. Heaven. Sitting down in one of the chairs, I began to fill my plate with the variety of food that was available. "Anima, at least wait for everyone else to sit down before you start to eat" Ma said, but my reply was simple "I'm a hungry child". Everyone chuckled at the comment and I started to eat.

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