How Old Are You...Twelve?

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I was ready way earlier than I usually was, it was a little after 6:00 am and here I was, sitting on my bed, rethinking my life. After the threat I had received from Jaxon, I took some precautions. One, there was now a pocket knife underneath one of my pillows. Two, there was a cricket bat hidden underneath my bed. Three, my bedroom windows were locked.

The saddest part of all of this was that for the next couple of weeks, I was not going to be able to sleep comfortably. Looking around my room it was no longer the safe cave I could hide in, it felt like a jail cell that was on public display. Not being able to withstand this feeling, I grabbed my bag and left my room. I went into the kitchen, grabbed a chocolate bar and left a note for my parents; "I'm going to Thenas' house to catch up on some school work. Love you".


One bus drive and walk later I was in front of Thenas' house. It was roughly 7:00 am, so Thena should be awake by now. Pulling out my phone from my pocket, I opened her contact and called her. On the fourth ring she picked up.

'H-hello, who is this'

'Idiot do you not check who's called before you answer'

'Anima why are you ruining my sleep'

'Because I love making your life a living hell'

'At least you know your annoying'

'Shut up now open the front door I'm here'

' are you up so early'

'Long story now open the door it's freezing'

'Okay okay be there in a sec'


I hung up and patiently waited for her to open the door.

"Oh my days!" I shouted, Thena had opened the door and was looking...not the best? "What...I can't look good all day every day" Thena said in annoyance. I made my way into the house and replied, "Yeah, but you can't look like a demon all day every day either". "Hey! I don't look like a demon" Thena said, still very sleepy and very annoyed. "Ahh yes a good point. You don't look like a demon, you are a demon" I said and made my way upstairs to her room before she could argue back.

I opened her room door and collapsed onto her bed and stared up at the ceiling. That's when I realised Thena recently got her room redecorated, I didn't notice last time because of the touchy subject that was being discussed.

The walls were now a rose gold, instead of the grey they were before, and there were blue butterflies painted on them. Thena had a cream coloured cupboard now that slid open and shut. She also had posters of her favourite bands up on the wall as well. Her curtains were no longer the purple ones she made her mother buy when she was thirteen; they were now a beige colour that complimented the colour of the cupboard. The bed sheets were now a chocolate brown and her duvet and pillow were of a similar colour.

"Get off my bed you leach." Thena said, annoyance clear in her tone. That made me laugh, and just to annoy her, I started to roll around on her bed. Huffing at my response, Thena left the room and came back changed into her school uniform. "Come on we're going out" Thena said while grabbing my wrist and trying to pull me off the bed. "Why, it's nice and warm inside", "Yeah, but we have over an hour left before school, we might as well do something fun".


After being forced out of her house, Thena took me to a store to buy food to eat. I looked around for a bit and thought about what I wanted to eat. Making my mind up, I went to the dairy section and grabbed a small strawberry milkshake bottle; then I went to the bread section and looked to see if there were any waffles sold in single packets. Just then, Thena came from another aisle and in her hands were packets of sweets. After I found the waffle, we made our way to the self-checkouts and paid for our things.

Leaving the supermarket, I opened the bottle of strawberry milkshake and took a few sips of it. Strawberry milkshakes were incredibly good, even in the coldest days of winter. Meanwhile, Thena was opening one of her packets of sweets and started to eat them. "I want to go to the park by school," I said to Thena. "How old are you...twelve?" she retorted back. I ignored her and started to walk in the direction of the park.

Thena and I didn't talk much on the short walk, probably because we were too busy filling our stomachs. I didn't know why I liked things that were typically considered child-like; such as playgrounds and milkshakes. Usually, I would think to myself that I like these things because my exterior is mature , but inside I love to play and that's why I like things that are usually viewed as childish. However, recently I came to the conclusion that actually deep down I don't want to play, I want to be careless, in other words I don't want to have responsibilities and expectations to fulfil, instead I want to live in the moment, not worrying about the past and anticipating the future.

"Earth to Anima...hello," I snapped out of my thoughts and realised we had reached the park and that Thena was aggressively waving a hand in front of my face. "What were you thinking about so intensely?" Thena asked. "Nothing much, just thinking about what I want to do during the holidays." I lied. Thena looked at me for a little bit longer, most likely thinking if what I said was true or not. "I'm going on the swing" I stated and made my way towards it. Thena followed me and sat herself down on the swing next to mine. "Excited for tomorrow?" Thena asked, "Why? What's happening tomorrow?". "It's the last day of term before Christmas, so the school is going to hold games and Christmas lunch. ". "Ahhh" there had been so much going on recently that I had started to forget about school events.

While sitting on the swing, I took a few steps back and then put my legs in the air, allowing myself to swing. I then leaned forwards and backwards to go even higher. Thena joined me and we had a competition on who could swing the highest. We talked for a bit longer, until it was time to go to school. 

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⏰ Last updated: May 06 ⏰

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