2 Teaspoons of Rainbow And 3 Tablespoons of Sparkle

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 Groggily opening my eyelids, I crawled my way out of bed. I hate Mondays, and I was constantly reminded on Mondays, about how much I hated Mondays. Scrambling to my feet, I picked up my phone from the bedside table and yanked the charging cable out of it. The screen lit up and told me that I had '3 Notifications' and that it was 6:28am. Dang it. How did I manage to wake up before my alarm? I could have slept peacefully for another 2 whole minutes. After a minute of thinking about whether I should go back to sleep or not, I decided not to, and started to get ready for the day.

Wearing my school uniform, I looked at myself in the mirror; I was feeling extra today, so I decided to add some jewellery to my school uniform, it was nothing too much, just a couple of rings and small hopped earrings. Grabbing my bag, I made my way out of the house. As I was walking to the bus stop, I decided to check the notifications I had received earlier, and (surprise surprise) they were all from Thena:

'yo i just met the finest man of my life and he even asked for my number not that im surprised ik i have a dope personality'

'his name was dustin and we met outside the new cafe in town he was super into me and all i think im finally pulling'

'hey get ur sleepy head out of the pillow and reply to my msgs idiot'

Dustin? No way. It couldn't have been the same Dustin I met the other day right. Well, Dustin is a relatively popular name. It can't be the same Dustin. Why can't it be the same Dustin? It probably isn't. But what if it is. Thoughts intoxicating my consciousness, I dryly responded to Thenas messages:

'finally u got someone else to annoy '


The form room door has never felt heavier, I didn't know if that was because I was weak, or because of me not wanting to face Thena. Making my way to my seat, I kept my head down, trying to not catch anyone's attention; I didn't want to socialise with anyone, because my thoughts were keeping me occupied enough.

Silently sitting down in my seat, I folded my hands upon the desk and rested my head. I didn't need sleep, just a moment to collect myself together. Shutting my eyes, I laid there blurring out everyone and everything around me.

"Someone's tired.". Turning my head to the other side, I saw Jeon sitting next to me, looking at me with an expression of amusement and inquisition. I only managed to let out a soft hum in response to his statement; I was too busy thinking up ways to talk to Thena about the Dustin situation. "That's it, no, 'Hey Jeon, ask your Auntie to make it sunny'" Jeon mimicked. "I don't sound like that at all and I had a valid reason to ask at the time" I said, annoyance clear in my voice. "A valid reason being you not wanting to get your hair wet" Jeon said, I swear he was intentionally trying to vex me today. Sitting up up straight, I turned to face him and replied, "No, it wasn't the fact that I didn't want to get my hair wet, I didn't want to catch a cold, which is something I doubt you could relate to, because you could magic up a remedy with 2 teaspoons of rainbow and 3 tablespoons of sparkle". I didn't mean for my reply to sound so sassy and irritated, but it did, Jeon didn't take offence, on the contrary he looked rather amused, like irritating me was his favourite pastime. "Okay, there were a couple of mistakes in those sentences, but I'll let it slide" Jeon continued on, to which I responded with a careless "Whatever". After that we both fell silent, and as much as I hated to admit to it, that bickering session helped me to stop thinking about the Dustin situation.


Listening to the teacher explain momentum on a Monday period 5, could probably be the worst aspect of Monday, maybe a close second to waking up on a Monday. Sneaking a look at the clock, I saw that it was 3:32pm, meaning that there was another 8 minutes until freedom. Anticipation grew as each second passed, my right leg had begun to shake, as I became more and more desperate for the hands on the clock to move faster. Picking up my pen, I wrote down an equation that I, supposedly, had to solve, but I saw that as a cue to pack up my stuff that was scattered on my desk; first I placed my pen inside my pencil case, then my pencil and then at last my highlighter, zipping up my pencil case, I closed my physics book. Everyone else began to do the same, it was practically a domino effect; the teacher sighed for the nth time and, unwillingly, wrapped up the lesson, and finally released us from the boring day at school we had.

Wearing my coat and slinging my bag on my shoulder, I waited outside the classroom to see if I could spot Thena. Trudging behind everyone else, there she was , the last person out of the lesson. "God Thena, how are you always the last person that leaves the classroom" I complained, to which she snapped back, "Well it's not my fault I'm sat in a seat that's the furthest away from the door possible, and how are you always the first person that leaves the classroom". Getting a sense that this conversation was not going to help my situation, I mustered up the courage to bring up the topic which I had decided to discuss. "Anyways, you know how you told me about Dustin?" I began, and I wish I hadn't, because I could see how much her face lit up at the sound of his name and I didn't want to break the news to her. "There's something about him you should know".

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