Halo Over Wings

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Waking up in annoyance, I had realised that I'd woken up before my alarm; unfortunately I wasn't able to enjoy my sleep, because I was tossing and turning all night thinking about what Jeon could possibly need my help with. Heavily sighing, almost as if I wanted Jeon to hear my sigh from wherever he was, I got up too early in the morning and started getting ready.

Getting on the early bus I began my journey to school; I wanted to leave early, because I didn't know what I was going to do at home for another hour, so instead I was going to the school library to read 'Greek Gods and Goddesses, and Their Myths'. I placed my school bag on my lap and decided to listen to some music.

I remembered Jeons message from last night, I still hadn't replied to it. What would I have replied to it? Looking out of the window, I admired the scenery, hoping it would distract me from the multiple questions running through my mind. As the bus stopped to collect more people, I wondered if I was going to find anything useful in the library; I might rummage through it before I start reading the book I already brought, but I doubt a school library would have anything on Mythology. 

Someone had sat in the seat next to me, but I didn't know who, as I was still looking outside. It was odd, because there were still spare doubles on the bus, but I thought nothing of it. The person sat next to me took out one of my earphones and said "We need to talk".

Slightly irritated, I turned my head to see the person that was rude enough to disrupt my music, but I was left confused when I saw Jeon sat next to me. "What are you doing here?" I whisper-yelled, looking around me as if it was illegal to be seen with Jeon. "Chill out, I needed to talk to you, so I got on the bus you get", "How did you know I would get on this bus, at this exact time?","Lucky guess?". Rolling my eyes, I slightly turned my body to face him, "What did you need help with", Jeon looked around and began cautiously, "I've found someone, and I need you to be my wingwoman".

"So let me get this clear, you are trying to make Layna fall in love with you; out of all the people you could have chosen, you chose the dumbest, blondist, pick-me out there", I said clearly not getting his logic. We were now on our way to the library so we could talk with no one listening. "Uhh yeah, she seems like an easy target, she has been drooling over me ever since I walked into the classroom" Jeon said in an isn't-it-obvious tone. "Didn't your mission need you to fall in love with someone, not just them falling for you" I asked, "I can work around that", "What do you mean by that?, "I mean that maybe I can fake it good enough, so I can get back to the clouds", "What happens if you get caught?", "I won't who's gonna catch me, the Angel of Love is down on Earth right now", "Okay, but I'm not helping you get with Layna", "Why not?". Where do I start, maybe at the part where I hate her whole existence. "Me and her and not friends" I replied; "Then become friends with her", "I hate her. She hates me. Even if I tried to help, she wouldn't befriend me.", "God what use are you?". Ouch. "Well, you're the one who said she's already drooling all over you, so I think your...charm will be good enough, you don't need me", I said putting extra sarcasm on the 'charm', and I began to walk into a different aisle within the library.

 "Hey..." Jeon protested, whilst following me, "okay, I get it, you can't help me". "The boy's a genius!" I gasped sarcastically, whilst rummaging through the library shelves trying to look for any books on mythology, still slightly irritated from our conversation. Jeon just stood there, staring at me, and after a couple of minutes after watching me struggle, he asked "Want help?", "No" I adamantly replied. Jeon flicked his wrist, and a book fell out of one of the shelves. I picked up the book and read its title 'Mythological Creatures', "How did you know what I was trying to find?", I asked inquisitively, "You left your bag open on the desk over there, and it doesn't take a genius to realise what you were trying to find, especially considering your circumstances"."So is this the trick you pull on angels to make them fall halo over wings for you", "I'm sorry...halo over wings?" Jeon burst out laughing, "What, it makes sense, for humans it's 'Head over Heels', so for Angels it would be 'Halo over Wings'" I said defending the joke I had just made. "Fair enough, and to answer your question, no", "Why not?", "None of them catch my eye", "Do they need to catch your wing instead?" I said, barely containing my own laughter from the horrible joke I just made. I don't know what was going on, my mood had improved from the start of the day.

With the book Jeon helped me find, I made my way to the desk I had put my bag on earlier, and I opened the book. "If you are so intrigued by me and my family, why don't you just ask me?" Jeon said, "Well, if I asked you about anything, would you answer it honestly" I challenged. "Ask me a question, and you'll find out". Seeing how overconfident Jeon was about his ability to answer all of my questions, I deliberately asked a weird question, "Why did you agree to being tutored on Wednesday lunch, and specifically requesting if I could tutor you?"."That's your question?", Jeon raised an eyebrow, but seeing that I was completely serious, he answered, "Well, because I'd go insane if it was one of the other girls from class, your friend with the ginger hair seems feisty, and the guys look at me as competition...so that leaves you". A part of me hurt a little realising Jeon chose me through process of elimination and not by choice, but I didn't let my feelings surface. "What about Layna, surely it would make it so much easier for you two to fall in love, if you spent more time together". My logic made perfect sense, so why did he ask for me? "If I ask her to tutor me, I'll get dumber" Jeon explained, "It's not like you actually want good grades, after 2 months you're going to be back in the clouds anyway", "Someones waiting for me to leave...but if I'm suffering here on Earth, I thought why not embrace the lifestyle of a typical teenage human"; "Human life is not as interesting as you think it is" I said, trying to make Jeon face the reality of teenager life, "I suffer through it for 2 months, you suffer for a couple years, so for you it may be boring and monotonous, but for me it is absolutely fascinating how humans can take so long to decide what to have for dinner that day". Sharply closing the book I was about to read, I was shocked at how wrong Jeons' statement was, "I guess that means, humans know how to savour and enjoy food better than angels", "No it means angels are efficient at deciding what to eat AND enjoy their food".

"I don't care if you get served chicken wings that are textured like angel wings" I scoffed at Jeon. We had been having an argument solely on food for the past hour, and now we began to make our way towards form. "Well it's definitely better than England's best dish...what was it, ah, Fish and Chips"; "Hate to break it to you, but England's national dish is Chicken Tikka Masala, and curry is the best dish out there, so I win the argument". "No, not end of argument, see I know what food tastes like in both realms, you don't, so your argument is invalid" Jeon scoffed, thinking he had won the argument. I made my way to my seat in class and Jeon sat next to me as usual, by then I had formulated the perfect argument, "Your argument is biassed, you're an angel so of course you'd say that food made in the clouds is better". "Awwh, thanks for calling me an angel," Jeon said, presumably because he had run out of arguments to make. I rolled my eyes, "You know that's not what I meant".

"Good Morning everyone!" our tutor said in a voice that was way too happy for a Wednesday morning. The morning started off as usual, the register and then talking us through any important messages. That reminded me of something, "Hey, why weren't you in yesterday?" I asked Jeon, "I got visited by someone", "May I ask who?" I realised I was beginning to sound nosy, but the words had already left my mouth. "My mother". According to my research, that meant Aphrodite came to visit him yesterday.

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