Pineapples On Pizza

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I was silently sitting on my bed, floating from thought to thought mostly about Jeon, or Cupid, or whatever his name was. Finally, it was the best time of the week, Friday, and I could not wait to relax. Recently, my search history has been filled with mythological creatures, more specifically, the myths of the Angel of Love. Surprisingly, I found out that I liked reading about all of the stories about Gods and Goddesses, probably because now that I have seen one in real life, I'm starting to believe these stories too. Maybe the myths are not myths after all.

After reading, I took a break and went on my phone and encountered a message that Thena sent me 10 minutes ago, 'Order pizza, I'm crashing over for a bit', I laughed a little before I quickly sent my response, 'You're so expensive man'.

After a good 15 minutes I heard a knock on the door, and I went downstairs and swung the door open, expecting Thena to be there, but to my surprise there was no one there. Leaning out of the doorframe I looked left and then right, but saw no one near the house. Stepping back, I closed the door and thought I must have misheard it. While I was locking the door, I heard a knock again. Again, I unlocked the door and stepped out in the cool night air; I looked around to see if there was anyone on the streets, but there wasn't. Going inside the house I closed the door. Knock knock knock. This time, I got on my knees and lifted the cover of the letter box; but when I opened it... I saw a pair of muddy yellow eyes looking straight back at me; leaping back with a gasp, I started to panic. Who could that be? Do I have a stalker? Am I going to live to see tomorrow? With thousands of questions running through my mind, I had formulated a plan to catch the culprit. I unlocked the door and held the door handle ready to see who was playing games with me. Knock. With my heightened reaction time, due to the sudden surge in adrenaline, I opened the door in only a single knock, "Gotcha!" I triumphed, expecting some serial killer on the other side of the door frame, but it was only Thena. "Woohoo! One hundred points to Gryffindor for bravely opening a door" Thena deadpanned back. Thena side-stepped her way into the house and made her way to my room. Locking the door, I was walking up the stairs when I gave the door one last look. There was definitely someone out there.


Thena and I plopped down onto my bed and went on our phones. I honestly don't understand why we do this, we go over to each other's house and sit on our phones. "Hey Thena" I started", in which to responded with a soft hum, eyes still glued to her phone. "I need your attention." I stated, she sighed and put her phone face down on the bed and looked at me. "Did you 'knock knock run' me earlier?" I asked, she furrowed her brows in response and said "No...why.. Did something happen?" she questioned concern evident in her eyes. "It's nothing really, I just thought that someone was knocking on the door." I explained. Thenas lips curved up into a smirk "Were you expecting someone before me? Perhaps Jeon?" she said smugly while picking up her phone. What does that even mean? I grabbed the nearest pillow, straddled Thena, whilst continually hitting her with the pillow and yelled, "What are you saying? Are you stupid? Of course you are, I already knew that, but I didn't know how bad your condition of stupidness was. I don't like him and I'm pretty sure he hates me to my core, so shut up before I sew your mouth shut forever." gasping for air I got off of her. Thena grabbed the pillow and started hitting me with it, and screamed, "You idiot, you don't hit your friend that hard! And besides I was only stating facts, so go tell everyone else these excuses.". To that I only scoffed, but Thena wasn't done with her little speech, because she came closer and whispered, "Don't lie... I know you have a secret crush on him. You know, the type that you don't want to admit, but the one that you secretly have, and the fact that you feel this way for him, irritates you, so you want to hate him, but you hate the fact that you can't hate him, and even though there's a thousand reasons to hate him, you can't, so you try to ignore him, but you can't do that either, and whenever he's near you, you're heart beats a little too fast, you're thoughts get a little too distracted and you're knees feel a little too weak. But you don't give in to the feeling, because you're scared you'll get hurt, so you pretend that you don't care, but in reality you do care, more than anyone else could ever imagine, you think what would happen if you gave into your desires, but you never do because you would rather live without love and memories, than losing love and living in the memories you made."


We both sat in utter silence after the little - correction massive - speech Thena had given me. Thena knew me for a long 6 years, so I was surprised that her speech was so inaccurate, okay maybe a little inaccurate, or maybe it was completely accurate, but I just didn't want to admit to it. There was a soft knock at the door, and that instantly reminded me of the events that happened earlier this night. Thena got up whilst saying, "I'll get it", as she left the room, I let out a breath that I was unconsciously holding. Whilst Thena was opening the door, I thought, what if it was the creep that was knocking on the door earlier, what if they do something to Thena.

"ANIMA!" Thena screeched from downstairs, with my heart racing, I ran down the stairs to see what happened, but was shortly met with confusion when I saw Thena standing in the doorway in one piece. "Why are you screaming idiot, you scared me, I thought something happened to you or something." I said, putting my hands against my heart, relief flowed through my veins. "Well, Anima, something did happen to me, I was happily receiving the pizza, and with my mouth watering I opened the lid of the pizza box, and there it was, my worst nightmare..." Thena dramatically said, and to that I replied, "We don't have all day, spit it out already". Thena looked at me with an expression that was a mixture of hunger and anger, "I saw pineapples on the pizza. What. The. Heck. I can't believe you ordered pineapple on pizza, you're a demon" Thena finished. "Excuse me, I have such good taste that I could be the angel of food." I added sarcastically; with the mention of the word angel my thoughts immediately went back to Jeon; I didn't mean to intentionally say something that involved him. "I would feel so bad for this planet, if you were the angel of food, people would have died from hunger instead of disease" Thena argued. Getting bored of this back and forth between us, I started to make my way back upstairs ending the conversation with a nonchalant "Whatever.".

There were no words to describe that feeling you get when you take the first bite out of your first slice of pizza, well there were words, but they weren't good enough to describe how delicious the pizza was. Flavours dancing along my tongue and the aroma infiltrating my nose was the only thing mankind needed to be happy. "Mmhh" I let out a moan of satisfaction, this pizza was too good, "Geez, get a room" Thena sassed, whilst picking out the chunks of pineapple from her pizza. "I'm in my room, you're the one who's willingly sat here, wanting to have my amazing company, and it's not my problem that you can't appreciate good food" I sassed back, to which Thena only rolled her eyes. God this was going to be a long night, but the pizza will help me live through it.

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