I Have A Stalker?

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Roaming around the shelves of the library, I was still smiling at myself, because of the bold move I had made earlier in the café; I was trying to find the letter G in the section of Mythology. This part of the library was unfamiliar to me, because my territory of the library was upstairs on the right side, for romance and mystery fiction. Finally finding the correct section, I was now trying to find the book I needed, 'Greek Gods and Goddesses, and Their Myths'. Placing my finger on the spines of the books, I started from the top shelf going left to right. Nope. Nope. Close. Nope. Close. Nope. Nope. Yes. I was taking the book out, until I saw an eye on the other side, but not just any eye, the dark orange eyes that I saw through the post box the other day, startling me, I dropped the book, and, due to my luck, the book landed with the loudest thud possible, causing the people around me to look at me with an expression that was most likely annoyance. Picking up the book, I hid my face with it and made my way to the other side of the book shelf, to find out the culprit. Once I made it around the shelf, I practically pounced onto the man, pushing him against the wall. "Who are yo- oh" I whisper-shouted thinking it was the person that was stalking me, but it was only Jeon.

"Woah, angel, it's just me," Jeon exclaimed. Slowly trying to return my breathing to normal, I let go of Jeon and took a step back, but that didn't mean he was entirely out of the clear, "What are you doing here?" I harshly asked Jeon. "Oh, I saw a board outside saying library, so I thought it was okay for me to come inside, but clearly it is reserved for self-entitled people only" Jeon bickered, to which I replied, "Well, if it was only for self-entitled people then you would be here 24/7"."You know what, this is a waste of my precious time, I'm out", Jeon said, his tone filled with annoyance.

"Wait, did you see someone when you were standing there, someone who had orange eyes?" I asked Jeon, worry evident in my voice. "No, there was no one else when I got here, why, did something happen?" Jeon added; sighing I replied with, "No, nothing, I just thought that there was someone watching me.". "What, you have a stalker!" Jeon yelled, causing everyone to look at us and the librarian to give us a stern stare, "Oh wow, go on then tell the entire library about it", I whispered back, beginning to make my way out of the library. "Wait, why are you trying to find out stuff about me?" Jeon questioned; I panicked, how did he have access to my search history, was he the one stalking me. "The book in your hands, Greek gods and all", Jeon added pointedly, "Oh, uhm, it's interesting I guess and it's not all just about you", that was all I managed to come up with. Jeon gave a small nod, but clearly didn't believe me and started to climb the stairs of the library to go upstairs, but I had a question for him that I needed to ask, "Hey..." I began, this made Jeon stop climbing the stairs, but he didn't turn around. Rude. "Uhm, what do I call you, like, do you prefer to be called one name or another?" I finished, trying to keep our conversation ambiguous, just in case someone else was listening. Jeon turned around with a small smile on his face, "Call me stupid cupid." Jeon stated, and with that he went upstairs.

Thump! I - not so gently - placed the book I had just got on the table and sat down. I was still in the library, because it had started raining, and not the aesthetic rain you take pictures in, the type of rain that drenches you, and along with it is wind, so I decided to stay in the library for a bit and start reading the book. Opening the book, I took in its cover, it was a dark majestic blue cover, with lots of etchings of, what I'm assuming were, statues of Greek gods and goddesses. Inside the book, the pages were off-white, with words that were hand-written in with jet black ink. The handwriting was curly but still legible, with a couple of foreign words, presumably Greek. Looking at the page of contents, I began to look for anything to do with Eros. 'The Myth of Eros and Psyche', it was on page 274; flipping through the book I stopped on page 274, and I started to read the story.

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