Family Feuds

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What. That was unexpected; I guess not all stories have happy endings. Now everything made sense, Jeon coming down on Earth to experience love and why he wasn't serious about it, it was because he didn't believe in love at all.

"Find anything interesting about me, angel?" Jeon sat down beside me on one of the chairs peeking over to see what I was reading. Slapping the book shut, I replied, "No...not really"; Jeon looked perplexed by my action, but I didn't want him thinking I was obsessed with him. "Okay then, who or what were you reading about, my mother, my brother, my uncle maybe?" Jeon humoured, "Hold up, I'm basically reading about your family feuds, that's so cool!" I laughed. "Sure that's one way to put it" Jeon said whilst sort of laughing along. I cast a glance outside to see if the weather was any better, unfortunately, it wasn't and then I thought of something. "Hey cupid, can you ask the God of weather to stop the rain? I want to go home." I shyly requested. "Really, are you serious?" Jeon judged, "I'm only mortal after all, you know one fever and I could end up in hospital." I tried convincing Jeon. "I've been to Earth many times, I know you won't die from a fever," Jeon said. "Well theoretically, I could, I mean it is possible" I bickered back. "Yeah, you sure look weak enough for that to happen to you." Jeon guessed. Excuse me. "Me. Weak. Yeah right. I'm pretty strong I'll let you know" I scoffed, my ego was too big to let that comment slide. "Sure you are, angel" Jeon said, obviously not believing me, "Well, if not strong, I definitely am smart, unlike some other people" I bit back. Upon hearing my statement, Jeons eyes swivelled around to meet mine and turned his body around to face mine, and slowly started to say, "Unlike some other people? I hope you're not implying those 'other people' as me, angel". "Well it depends, I haven't seen you use your smarts in any situation, and as a matter of fact, you've been too busy pleasing the ladies to bother about anything else." I scoffed. "So what, are you jealous or something?" Jeon questioned, he must be joking I thought, but his voice was dead serious.

"No, not at all, I'm just like you, I don't believe in love at all." I informed Jeon. "Who said I don't believe in love?" Jeon inquired. Whoops, I wasn't meant to say the 'just like you' part. "Well, you're on Earth to love, and you clearly want to finish the 'mission' quickly, so you clearly don't believe in it" I lied, well it wasn't a complete lie, it was a cover up from what the actual truth was. "Okay fair enough, you know why I don't believe in love, but why don't you believe in love, you seemed like the type to be one of the devoted believers of love" Jeon pressed. "I used to be, but certain situations changed my opinions, so I lost my faith in love." I muttered. I didn't know why I was opening up to Jeon so much, but it wasn't like he was going to tell, heck, I didn't even know if he cared enough to remember this for any longer than necessary. "Same" Jeon mused back, I decided to play dumb, "Same experience? How so?" I queried, I already knew the story, but I wanted to hear it from him, to see if there was anything the book missed out on. Jeon looked at me, his dark orbs were filled with emotion for once, but then they turned right back to emotionless. "Page 247" Jeon mumbled and with that he abruptly stood up and made his way out of the library. By now it had stopped raining and the sky was clear. His voice repeated through my head endlessly 'Page 247', he knew; but did he know that I already knew?


'The Seven Angels of Love', this was one of the sections in the contents table, and even though I had school tomorrow and it was already past midnight, my curiosity got the better of me. It was on page 386, so I flipped through the book, until I found the correct section. And once I found it I started to read:

The seven Angels of Love, serve Aphrodite, the Goddess of Love. When experiencing love, people usually encounter multiple angels without realising. The seven angels can be represented in many ways, either as cherubs or as young men, with golden eyes, showing immortality and how love is immortal.

Philautia: The first experience of love is that you have to love yourself, in order to be capable of loving others, including animals, humans and life itself. However the negative side of this love is conceit, egotism and narcissism.

Storge: This is unconditional love, when you love someone regardless of their attributes; this type of love is usually found between parent and child, the positive side shows how a parent would go to extreme lengths for their child. The negative is an obsessive love that views a child as property or a version of themselves.

Philia: This is the love found within friendship, more precisely platonic love, this type of love can also be found in family, relatives and also comrades. This type of love usually consists of trust and soul connection, while this type of love may not be exciting, it is more fulfilling and rewarding.

Ludus: This type of love is perky and silly, it consists of seduction, flirting and playing. This love starts off as an attraction and pre-determine how far it will go. However, this type of love cannot last by itself, it needs to grow into other types of love, in order for the relationship to be longer.

Eros: This love is one filled with love and romance, this type of love is often idealised. Included within this love is also lust, this is an essential component of love, especially between lovers. This desire can be interpreted as love, it is primarily physical attraction.

Pragma: This form of love occurs in long term relationships; this love is based on the greater good for both partners and on duty, reason and shared goals. Over time, partners would develop a mature love for one another called Pragmatic Love. This is a difficult type of love to develop and maintain, as it requires continual effort, dedication and selflessness.

Agape: This is the highest degree of love, it is the unifying love for all people and beyond, to all living beings. This type of love could be associated with God, love everyone, how God loves everyone; this is well known for its strong spirited meaning.

Well, the definition of Eros was the complete opposite of what the 'in person' Eros was like; however, the physical attraction part explains why his aura was so magnetic. Pondering on my thoughts for a little longer, I finally decided to shut the book and go to sleep. Casting one final glance at my clock, which blared 1:34pm at me, again, in disappointment. Wondering if I would get up in time for the school bus, my eyelids drooped down and slumber engulfed me. The last thing I remembered, was my silent note to self, if I'm ever late to school, the later I am, the better.

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