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• E m b e r •

It had been two weeks since my birthday, two weeks since Bill saw me and completely robbed me of my peace of mind- I hadn't been able to get it back since. I didn't feel safe anymore, I was on edge wherever I went, and my nightmares were back in full force and completely consumed me. There was no escaping.

I refused to take on any more music students, too scared Bill would be waiting behind the unfamiliar doors and I barely left lecture halls or the library, not wanting to be caught outside. I even stopped going to Naya's soccer games, I was too anxious he'd be there, sitting in the crowd, watching me, waiting to get me alone. It was hard not to let those anxious thoughts take root, but they always did, and I now found myself back at the beginning and it killed me. 

The only good thing to come out of this whole mess was how much time I had to indulge in one of my only coping mechanisms- music. Playing music was the only time my mind wasn't a whirlwind of anxiety and worry, a weapon of my own making used against me. I took a deep, calming breath as played the last few notes of Chopin's Nocturne in C sharp minor on my violin before I slowly opened my eyes, jumping in fright when I heard clapping from the entrance.

"Wow, Daniels!" Naya smiled as she stood in the doorway to the music room, coffee cups in hand. "I almost forgot how good you are on that thing, who knew you were actually talented?" She teased, my heart speeding up for a whole different reason.

I should've been used to Naya by then, after seeing her at the breakfast table for months, spending hours in the car talking and countless nights sitting under the stars or curled up on the couch, but she just had the opposite effect. Every time I saw Naya a part of me melted just a little, the closer she got the more nervous I became and her stupid smile always made my heart skip a beat. Today was no different, standing in the doorway Naya was dressed in loose green cargo pants and a black graphic shirt she still managed to look good in the casual outfit, especially with her hair pulled back into a low bun.

A knot twisted in my stomach as she walked towards me. My silly little crush didn't feel so silly or little anymore and if my feelings were true I knew I was in deep trouble.

"How long were you standing there for, stalker?" I blushed, placing my violin back in its case as Naya pulled up a chair before she set it next to me and took a seat, dropping her tote bag to the floor.

"Long enough to know you definitely do not give yourself enough credit." She grinned before she handed me a cup of coffee.

"Thanks, how did you know I needed this?" I smiled, taking the warm cup from her.

"Well, you did almost fall asleep in the car this morning so I figured you'd need a 'pick me up' around now." She shrugged as I took a heavenly sip from the cup before I blushed- she got my order right.

"You're not wrong." I smiled, rolling my eyes.

"I know, I pay attention." She grinned proudly. "But I promise I'm not a stalker, I just wanted to let you know that practice is going to run late today and the team's going out for pizza afterwards so I won't be home until late. So do you mind getting a ride back with Scott or Naomi maybe?" She asked nervously.

"Yeah, don't worry, I'll figure out something. Go have fun!" I urged, only to be met with a frown from Naya.

"You kicking me out already, Daniels?" She questioned, pretending to be offended as I shrugged.

"No, not yet but you don't have to sit here and be bored-" I tried to offer but Naya just cut me off.

"Speak for yourself but I have a great time here, besides, I only need to leave in twenty minutes." She leaned back, looking around as I grew nervous at the thought of Naya sitting in the middle of my world, surrounded by instruments and sheet music for the 4th time that week. "So what do you guys get up to in here today?" She asked and then it was my turn to frown.

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