Floor Six

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  Mark's day sucked. Donghyuck was pulled away from him, and Johnny and his girlfriend made him feel lonely. It wasn't their fault, not at all. Although, he couldn't help it.

  The boy made his way into the elevator and was bummed when he didn't see Donghyuck. He went straight into his room and flopped on his bed to dwell more on how shitty his day was. His parents tried to talk to him, but he didn't reply.

  Thank you to Renjun for being the worst part of his day. He was always glaring at Mark like he did something. In fact, he looked at him as if he was trying to steal Donghyuck from him. It's not like he would. Or maybe he would if he could.

  The subject of being gay was something Mark had thought about a couple of times. A lot of people had, but he didn't really take it into consideration. Although, it would be nice to finally have someone to hug and kiss him. He assumed Donghyuck was the kind of person to make him feel loved. He hugged his pillow at the thought of it. It would be nice.

  There was a knock on his door, and he grumbled and turned to the other side of his bed. He didn't want to talk to anyone right now.

"Mackerel, it's me." The second he heard his nickname, he bolted to the door and opened it. He had messy hair and red cheeks because his room temperature was quite warm. He combed his hair back with one hand, wearing a nervous smile.

  "Um, hey, Hyuck," he said as he moved out the way, making room for him. Donghyuck walked in and sat on Mark's bed. The other boy closed the door and walked to his friend to stand in front of him. "Sorry about earlier," he said out of the blue.

  "It's all good. But are you okay?" he asked in an obvious concern.

  "Yeah, I'm okay. Renjun is just being weird," he said as he looked around the room. "Oh, your guitar! Do you play it a lot?"

  "Mm, yeah. I do. I really love my guitar," he said.

  Donghyuck stood up and walked to it. Mark followed after him. He turned to the guitarist, their faces close. Mark was the one to step back a little. "Do you mind playing a song?" he asked.

  "No, I don't mind. I'll give you a little preview of the guy you're gonna sing duets with in the future," he joked as he grabbed his instrument. He pulled out a chair and sat on it. He preferred the chair over his bed because it was easier and way more comfortable to play on.

  Donghyuck sat on his bed in front of him, staring at the boy as he tuned his guitar by ear. When it was ready, he had a song in mind. He liked the tune. He took a deep breath before he started strumming. Looking up at Donghyuck, he started singing.

"Baby, I don't feel so good
Six words you never understood
I'd never let you go, five words you'd never say
I laugh alone like nothing's wrong
Four days have never felt so long
If three's a crowd and two was us
one slipped away
I just wanna make you feel okay
But all you do is look the other way
I can't tell you how much i didn't wanna stay."

  Then he stopped strumming, also halting his singing. "I don't remember what comes after that," he admitted, being a bit embarrassed.

  "I just kinda wish you were gay," he said. Mark was taken aback. Was it a confession? This soon? He was internally freaking out, and he didn't know what to do. "That's what comes next in the song. The next line," he said.

  "Oh, yeah. Thanks," he said as he laughed awkwardly. He smiled at Mark sweetly. That made him even more nervous.

  "You have a really nice voice, Mark." Donghyuck calling his name made him feel a bit tingly inside. He didn't know what it was about him or how he could make him feel this way.

  "Thanks." He didn't believe the compliment at all, but he still thanked him. A lot of people said many good things to him, so naturally, he just came to not believe them.

  "I would love to hear you play guitar and sing for the rest of the night, but I have to go," Donghyuck said, getting up.

  "Hyuck, thanks for this. Um, stay safe." He put his guitar in its stand and walked Donghyuck to the door. Before he left, he turned to Mark and said, "When we have our duet, I want you to sing with me." Then he left, not giving Mark time to answer.

  Mark closed the door and smiled to himself. Donghyuck was kind of weird. He liked it.

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