Floor Eight

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  Mark was chilling in his room and suddenly heard a knock on the door. It opened, and he jumped back in surprise. "Yo, what the fuck?" he yelped. "Oh, hyuck."

"Yeah, sorry if i'm bothering you," he apologized.

  Mark quickly sat up and said, "No, it's okay. Come in."

  Donghyuck closed the door behind him and sat next to Mark. "So what's with you and Renjun? Well, if you don't mind me asking."

  He sighed before replying, "Mark, don't worry about him. He's just really possessive I guess. I want to talk to you, but he's always just taking me away."

  "That's what I was thinking. He's always snatching you up from me, Haechan."

  Donghyuck gave him a weak smile. "Well, I was thinking about ending it. Or maybe waiting it out until he breaks up with me."

  "Well," Mark began with a sigh, "you know what's best for you. I don't know much about Renjun, but I know that you don't seem to be enjoying the relationship. You deserve better, sunny."

  Donghyuck hit his arm. "What's with all the new names?"

  "I don't know. What about it, sunshine?" Mark paused once he noticed the nickname that he had just called his friend. Donghyuck laughed at him and fell back onto his bed.

  "Sunshine now? I prefer that nickname. Start calling me that."

  "What about your boyfriend?" he asked as he fell back onto his bed. Donghyuck looked at him and rolled his eyes. "Who cares? Gosh, he flirts with so many girls it gets annoying at some point. Let's just worry about us when it's us," he said.

  "Okay, sunshine." Donghyuck giggled at the nickname. "So about that hobby of yours. Wanna sing a song for me, Hyuckie?"

  "Do I get a reward or something?"

  "Um," he looked around his room then continued, "I don't have anything."

  "Then that's your answer, mackerel," he said with a sarcastic smile. Mark rolled his eyes but let out a small smile. "I promise to sing to you when the time is right."

  "What time would that be?" he asked with a cheeky grin. Donghyuck shrugged and looked away before replying, "When i think the time is right."

  "Then I'll wait patiently until that time comes."

  "Well, as long as you don't expect too much."

  "I'm sure you're great. You're you afterall."

  "And what does that mean?"

  "Well," he started, "it means that you're great. Whatever expectation i have, you'll surpass it."

  "I didn't expect that you'd be such a sweet talker," he said with a chuckle. "But thanks. I guess I should leave now if I want to make it back in time." Donghyuck stood up from the bed.

  "Oh, wait!" Mark called out, "you forgot something."

  Donghyuck turned around and was met with a warm hug. "Goodnight, sunshine," he whispered, sending shivers down his friend's spine.

  "Sweet dreams, Mark."

  "You too."

  They let go and Mark walked Donghyuck to the front door. They waved at each other before Mark stepped foot back in his apartment and sped to his room.

  Mark sat back in his bed and was seriously panicking. He didn't know what was happening to him, but he knew why. He was pretty sure he liked Donghyuck, and it was freaking him out. He opened his laptop and searched the question many people had asked themselves as well. "Am I gay?" The first thing he saw was a quiz, and he though, "Fuck it." He didn't know if it would tell him anything, but at least he would feel better.

  Mark pressed the link and answered the questions. He bit his lip, starting to feel nervous with each question. Ones asking if he would kiss someone of the same gender, have sex with them, or be in a relationship with them made him nervous. Because all of those questions made him imagine him with Donghyuck. To kiss him and do other things he was too embarrassed to admit he imagined. Once the quiz was over, he stared at the word glowing on his screen.


Angel on My FloorOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora