Floor Thirteen

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  Donghyuck was the first to wake up, and he looked at his phone, which had nine missed calls. He picked up the phone while Mark was still sleeping beside him. He stroked his hair as he waited for his mom to pick up since she was the most level-minded one. "Donghyuck?"


  "Lee Donghyuck, where are you?"

  "Don't worry. I'm at my friend's house. He was studying with me, and we eventually fell asleep. I was so tired. Plus, he lives on the same floor as us. Isn't that cool?"

  There was a sigh on the other line. "Well, I'm glad you're okay. Come back by afternoon, okay? I'm being gracious since your dad and I are going on a date. Have fun and study hard. But also remember to take care of yourself. Tell that to your friend too. Got it?"

  "Got it."

  "Good. Bye now."

  "Bye," he said, hanging up the phone and putting it on the pillow next to him and Mark.

  Donghyuck looked back at Mark, who looked so peaceful while he was sleeping. It was almost as if he was sleeping on a little cloud. He continued stroking the older boy's hair. It was soft and dark brown. It flowed so nicely in between his fingers.

  There was a small groan followed by a certain someone's eyes opening. He looked at Donghyuck and breathed out through his nose with a smile. He pulled him closer and dug his face into his chest. "Good morning."

  "Mornin', Hyuck." The fact that Donghyuck's voice was deep as fuck did not cross Mark's mind at all. He was way too tired to notice. Although, Mark's voice didn't go unnoticed by Donghyuck who blushed at the greeting.

  They stayed there for a few minutes until Mark decided to get up and brush his teeth. Donghyuck followed him into the bathroom and took a spare toothbrush that was handed to him. They brushed their teeth together and honestly, it felt domestic. Mark smiled at Donghyuck who looked very concentrated on the current task. Once they were done, they walked back to Mark's room.

  Donghyuck did his morning stretch while Mark checked his notifications. "Hey, Hyuck. Come over here."

  Donghyuck walked over to Mark who was sitting on the edge of the bed. Mark patted his lap which Hyuck hesitantly sat on. Mark held the camera in front of their faces and snapped a pic. "Hey, what's that for?" Donghyuck asked as the older sent it to his friend. Mark looked at him with a smirk, "For late at night when I think of you."

  "Why would you think of me late at night you pervert?"

  "You really want to know?"

  "Okay, I'm done," he said as he got off of Mark's lap and flopped on the bed. Mark chuckled at his actions. The older boy pulled out his guitar and tuned it by ear. He wanted to warm up his fingers in the morning.

  "Hyuck, do you know 'The Way' by Jill Scott?"

  "Yeah, why?"

  "I'm going to play it for you," he said. Donghyuck sat up and watched Mark, who sat on the side of the bed. He started strumming and out of habit, Donghyuck started singing.

"woke up this morning
with a smile on my face
jumped out of bed, took a shower, dressed
cleaned up my place
made some breakfast, toast
two scrambled eggs, grit
grabbed my keys, grabbed my purse
grabbed my jacket, off to work
beaming all the way down 3rd"

  Mark was in awe but kept a calm expression. Although he couldn't help the smile that made its way across his face. He continued playing his guitar and swayed along with the music.

  As Donghyuck started singing the main part, his eyes landed on Mark.

"is it the way you love me, baby?
is it the way you love me..."

  Mark stopped strumming when Donghyuck stopped singing. "Why'd you stop?"

  "It's embarrassing," he said, his pink cheeks becoming prominent. He didn't mean to sing, but it was a habit. And when he noticed, he became nervous.

  "It was beautiful though," he said, setting his guitar down alongside the bed. He climbed closer to Donghyuck and said, "You're beautiful."

  They stared at each other for a second. Donghyuck's eyes focused on his friend's lips. So the older took the chance. He kissed him. It was short and sweet until Donghyuck pulled Mark by his shirt. Now he was on top of him, kissing him. It felt so rejuvenating. They felt alive.

  Eventually, they pulled away due to lack of air. Their panting was the only sound in the room. Their eyes lingered on each other's lips. Then, they slowly looked into each other's eyes.



  "Donghyuck, is there a slight chance where you'd accept my request of being your boyfriend?"

  "No, it's a very big chance."

  "Then, will you be my boyfriend?"

  "Only if you'll be mine too," he smiled and wrapped his arms around the older boy's neck. "A thousand times, yes. I'll be your boyfriend, Donghyuck. I'll be your boyfriend." He showered the younger boy in quick pecks that traveled from his lips, to his nose, to his forehead, then to his cheeks. Wow, this was the best day ever.

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