01 Thique

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The need to work bewildered me, the desire to contribute to a system that strips us bare of our dignity and pride has always baffled me. I benefited from this system and was I particularly proud? No, I was not.

I made most of my money illegally. I needed money, I was great at hacking so I began hacking for pay.

"Ms Lenka, Mr Jackson, asks if you two are still having dinner?" a nod and they scurry back to their desk and I stare out my window. Floor to ceiling, the view drew me in, the position of my desk allowed me to see it all perfectly, the Johannesburg skyline.

After a few moments, a call interrupts my meditation.

"Lenka speaking?"

"You are so formal when you are at work."

"Lindiwe, don't bore me." I chuckle as I swirl the pen between my fingers.

"Anyway, I called to see if you are free for lunch today?"

"I... Let me check. Eric!" I call my assistant, "Can I have lunch with Lindiwe?" he looks down at the tablet.

"You do not have any more meetings besides dinner with Mr Jackson."

"Okay, Thank You Eric." he walks out again "I am free where are we going?"

"I am waiting in the lobby, we will decide when you get here." I laugh as I pack my belongings.

As I make it into the lobby, we share an embrace before making our way to my car. Her boyfriend dropped her off.

We settled on a rooftop restaurant near my office building. She wanted to see the sun as it set and so did I.

We are seated in the smoker's lounge and order our drinks and food at the same time since we know what we want already.

"So tell me, how are things with Harald?"

"Oh, it is great, we come from Mykonos and he was so adorable. You know what I like most about him?" I shake my head "He never lets me pick up my card for anything and he always has this little "I got you something today" thing."

"That sounds great."

"It truly is one of the things that make me like him. Anyway, tell me about you."

"I have been busy with work." I nod and look at the bottom of the glass to avoid her eyes.

"It is okay to try again, Nkoe."

"I want to try again, but it is scary."

"Which part?"

"Dating. Men are scary, women are scary, people are scary."

"You will meet your person, I know they will treat you better than that whore." laughter erupts and I nearly spill my drink.

"You hate her so much."

"Until I die, why would she even consider hurting you? Dumb hoe."

"Okay, okay, she was not always that bad."

"Yeah, she used to be amazing when she was loyal and committed and she went around saying that you would cheat first."

"She was not as educated then."

"Ignorance is not an excuse and there is nothing that will make me like her. Fuck her. Tell me about the kids."

"They are good, Tshidi is doing really well in school and the other kids are doing well enough that I don't have to worry."

"No parents meetings?"

"Sperm donor handles those."

"He does it well?"

"No, but the idea of driving back and forth for those nights makes my head hurt. Have you asked Franz about the kid situation?" she covers her eyes


"Lindi! He has to have children!"

"I know, We will talk about it but let me have my fun!"

"Fine." they continue their gossiping and catching up until Prince Harald of the Netherlands calls and she drops everything to be with him. I did not mind, I liked having time to myself and if I truly needed her, she would be there.

As I make my way home to get ready for dinner, Eric sends a text. Mr Jackson wanted us to meet at one of his clubs, I do not like clubs, never been a club person but for clients, you always have to go out of your comfort zone especially if they contribute forty percent of your income.

The bouncer leads me to the VIP area where Mr Jackson is with a few of his friends. There are a few women around them, enjoying their drinks and themselves.

"Lenka!" he is definitely close to drunk.

"Mr Jackson."

"You will never call me Bill?"

"Maybe after we close this deal."

"Business, Buisness, Buisness! Let's go to my office." he leads the way to his office which is quiet.

"Did you have a chance to look over the contract?" I ask as he looks through his papers

"My lawyers did and they think it is fair."

"They should send them to me so I can sign them."

"I will get them to you by the end of the week. Now about your other service..."

"It is being taken care off. I will have the dossier on your counter after the contact gets delivered to me, Bill."

"Okay. Here is fifty percent." he hands me a duffle bag that is supposed to contain two and a half million.

"Always a pleasure doing business with you, Mr Jackson." we shake hands before I make my way out of the club.

As I wait for the valet to bring my car, I notice a girl walking the corner, she looks cold.

I notice three guys heading in her direction and the bouncer is nowhere to be found. As I place the bag in my car, I wait to see if they are going to bother her.

One grabs her arm while another, covers her mouth. I drive towards the corner, open my glove box, taking out the gun I have in there.


Hello Everyone... I'm Senate.
We are doing 1 chapter a week because I am a busy body who is doing a million things at once.

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