22 De Selby

13 1 1

"How are the kids?" I am in my office, signing papers for the approval of a new design for the gallery. Her mother's surgery was successful and her recovery is pleasing to the doctors. My beautiful angel wants to stay longer than planned to care for her mother and bond with her parents.

"Surprisingly, great. I got this."

"Yeah, the fact that neither of them texted me to tell me something horrifying, is hopeful."

"I am not that bad of a guardian."

"You are not, you are also a great sister."

"Thank you." she giggles before clearing her voice.

"Listen, I have to go, my mom has woken up."

"Okay, I love you."

"Bye." she hangs up and I stare at my phone for a moment before placing it on my desk, she did not say "I love you back."

After a few moments, my phone pings with a message tone.

I love you more, Nkoe, I just didn't feel comfortable saying it while I am here - Nandi

Oh, if that is the case, I understand. -Nkoe

It truly is disheartening that she can not fully be herself with people she cares so deeply for.


"So what are you guys up to?" I thought the frequency of the phone calls would decrease, what happened instead was, she calls me even before I have a chance to miss her. She is bored and I wish she would admit it.

"They are watching a movie."

"What are you up to?"

"I am eating dinner by myself."

"Oh, your life is not that sad." Katleho walks into the room and gestures for juice.

"Without you, it truly is. Give me a moment, Kat is asking for juice,"

"Hand him the phone," I do as she asks before I head into the kitchen to pour juice for the boy.

After handing him the juice he hands the phone back to me before running to finish the movie.

"We are heading to the arcade tomorrow."

"Oh, I wish I was there, that sounds like fun." I wish we could go out on more fun and casual dates.

"When you get back, we can go."

"Just you and me?"

"If that is what you want, sure."

"Tell me, how is Lindi doing?"

"She says she is doing great, and all I can do is take her at her word." She does not sound happy but she is hiding and I do not know what more I can do to help her.

"Maybe we should visit her sometime."

"With the kids?"

"Yeah, with the kids, not going to leave them behind.

"I was merely making sure, my love."

"Okay, I met up with an old friend of mine today."

"Oh, how was that?"

"Uhm, it was okay, I mean we did date so it was a bit awkward given how it went." The fact that she has dated people before me does make me uncomfortable and I should not be.


"We broke up because I was afraid my parents would find out about us. It was amicable but it was weird seeing that, and it made me think about us and whether we would break up because I am scared to ... you know."

"Well, you don't have to worry about that because I am never letting you go again." Not after I have told her my deepest and darkest.


"Never, baby." I know she is scared to come out to her parents, I understand that, I will never push her into coming out, even when I see how heartbroken it makes her to be in the closet.


The twins' games are on the same day at the same time, I do not know why that is but we will make due. I spoke to them, and we decided it was best that we attend, one person's game one week and the next goes to the other person.

Kat's games are a bit earlier in the day so I can attend those frequently. I have them penciled into my schedule and nothing is to be allocated in that time slot.

After games, we go to anywhere they want, for a treat either to mend their wounds or celebrate wins.

I did promise, to buy them each one thing, if they pass well on their reports.

They are all excited and even put in the extra work into getting better grades. I have been looking at Dintle's marks and I feel as though she may need a math tutor but I want to see how this term will go.

"I miss you so much."

"When are you coming back?"

"I don't know, I have not made plans to come back yet and my mom is doing well but I want to see her back on her feet before I leave."

"Okay, well, maybe I could come there for a weekend?"

"To see me?"

"Would that be fine?"

"I don't know, what if someone sees us?"

"Okay, I'll wait until you come back then."

"A few more weeks, I promise."

"Okay, my love." Oh, this is torture, pure agony.


The kids did fairly well in the first term, Dintle's math marks are worrisome so I have enrolled her in some extra classes for the rest of the year. Thankfully it aligns well with her schedule.

"Jacket?" I ask Kat as he tries to sneak past me.


"Yes, it is winter."

"Fine," he moans trudging towards his bedroom.

We are fetching Nandi from the Airport. The kids are all excited to see her. It has been five months since she left, and while we spoke every day, I miss her.

I miss her presence and part of me, the part that wants to marry her, was breaking a little at the thought of her choosing to stay there forever because it seemed like she was never coming back to us.

When she makes it down the escalator, Kat runs to hug her while the rest of us wait for her. She wraps her arms around Kat and lifts him up. Their hug lasts a while before she walks towards where we are standing.

"Hi, Ms Nandi, we missed you." Tsebo says before hugging her. She pulls Dintle into the hug and they share a moment before they let go of my girlfriend so I can pull her to my chest, wrap my fingers around her neck and join our lips.

The kids protest but fuck them, I have missed the taste of my woman's tongue.


Nearly at the end, it is getting harder for me to keep up given that I am in university.

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