02 NDA

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"Boys, are you being naughty?"

"Johan, grab her." I bring my gun up and aim at Johan who is stalking his way towards me, he stops in his track

"She has a gun," he says to his ring leader.

"So what, she won't shoot." instead of arguing with them, I aim for Johan's shoulder and shoot.

"Ugh, fuck, Henry, she shot me!"

"You guys are great target practice, three little piggies, who's next?"

"Alright, calm down." they let go of the lady and raised their hands.

"Grab your friend and leave the lady alone."

"Okay, okay, don't shoot."

"Don't tempt me." Once they have passed me, they start running. "You okay?"

"Yeah, I think so. Thank you." I place the gun on safety and place it in my pocket.

"Okay, cool, are you going back inside?"

"Uhm, no. My shift is finished, I was just about to head home."

"Would you like a lift?"

"If you don't mind, I have already caused you so much hassle."

"It's no problem." I lead her to my car and open the door for her, she gets in.

My car playlist is playing softly as I drive her to her apartment. She is definitely spooked and who would not be, she was nearly assaulted, that is a traumatic experience.

"Turn left, it's the building with the black gate." following her direction, I stop in front of the black gate. Her apartment building looked old. "Thank you for saving me and for the lift."

"No worries." she sends a smile my way before staying in her seat "What's wrong?" I am going to regret that.

"I just, I..." no sound leaving her throat

"You don't want to go?"

"I don't want to be alone," she mutters under her breath "Not tonight at least. I am sorry, I will leave."

"Do you have a friend, you can stay with, I will drive you there." she lets out a sigh

"It's okay, Thank you once again."

"If it won't be too much, I could stay with you." the idea seems stupid but she had a rough night, I know what those are like.

"No, that would be too much to ask."

"I insist."

"No, you should go about your night."

"It would make me feel better knowing that you are okay."

"Okay, then you can come up." she opens the gate and leads me to a parking space. Before getting out of the car, I texted Eric to bring me an overnight bag and to fetch this duffle, while I knew she had something traumatic happen to her, I did not trust that she will not steal from me. I barely know her.

She led me to her apartment. As I walked in, I could not help but notice the myriad of plants, fake and real scattered in order all over her apartment.

"Uhm, I will prepare the couch for you." and she did, even had a memory foam mattress to go on top for extra comfort.

Eric also got us food from Nandos, we both got rice bowls and afterwards, she made us a pot of green tea.

"I am indebted to you."

"No, it is okay."

"No, I insist."

Hers in Distress [GXG] ✔️Where stories live. Discover now