25 Marriage Is For Old Folks

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We arrived back a few days before the second half of the school year began. Having Nandi around, definitely helps things run smoother. The kids are kinder to her.

The first few days of school are going well, we even got Katleho on the tennis team. It was a hassle given the timing but after some convincing and a sizeable donation to the school, they saw reason.

Today is a school day, the kids left earlier with Nandi, and she went shopping with a few of her friends. She invited me to go with her but, I have some work I would like to catch up on.

I am working from home given that no one is here. Nandi will probably only come back at four with the kids.

As I get into the kitchen to make a cup of coffee, I notice that the door is open, without thinking about it, instinct kicks in and I reach for my gun but before I can get to my gun, I am hit in the back with something hard.

"Fuck!" I bellowed out in pain, it felt like a steel pipe hitting my back.

"Remember us?" in front of me stands my former friends who went to prison because I refused to help them rob the reserve bank.

It was entirely an idiotic idea, they had no plan and wanted me to risk going to jail, for money. I am many things, stupid is not one of them.

"What do you want?" I spit out, they truly still are as vengeful as I remember.

"I have dreamed of getting revenge, for seven years, I have dreamt of the day, I had you begging for your life."

"Xoli, I don't understand why you are blaming me?" If anything, if they rubbed their shared brain cell against their skulls, they might have been able to spark up a bright idea.

"If you helped us, we wouldn't have gotten caught! We could have got away with it." The delusion they feed themselves is astronomical.

"No, you wouldn't have! I told you this eight years ago. It was a stupid idea with a dumber plan."

"Well, we beg to differ," Zenande adds.

"Didn't you go to jail?" That angers them, Xoliswa has rage in her eyes and clenched fists, ready to take out all her frustration on my body.

Zenande is a brainless follower, who does what Xoli orders. There is no pleading my way out of this situation.

Xoli is the first to launch her foot into my stomach before Zenande joins her leader in breaking me.

For a second, I wonder if the kids are going to walk in on me bloody and on the floor. That is a sight no child should ever see and it is a sight I pray they do not see. I pray Nandi decides to come home before fetching them.

The last thing I want is for them to go through more trauma because of me.

Narrator's POV

The two thugs beat their former friend to a pulp and left her bloody, broken and bruised on her kitchen floor to die.

Slipping in and out of consciousness, she tries to reach her phone, to call her girlfriend for help but she passes out, her body tired from the assault she experienced at the hands of two people she considered friends for a large part of her adult life.

Her assistant makes his way into the driveway to deliver a few contacts for his boss to sign. He was not meant to come here today but a few urgent contracts landed in her email and he knows she will not check her emails so he brought them over to be signed.

"Ms Lenka?" He makes his way through the entrance way and heads to her study. She might have headphones on. He knocks before opening the door to an empty room. He wonders if his boss may have gone somewhere. If that is the case, he will leave them on her desk and she can send them to him when they are signed and scanned.

Hers in Distress [GXG] ✔️Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz