24 Can't Tame Her

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"Are you planning on getting married?" she asks of us.

"We spoke about it, at the moment, the answer is no." Her eyebrows furrow for a moment before her eyes return to the court.


"My parents do not know about us and I do not think they would approve."

"Oh, well, I hope they realise what a beauty it truly is to have queer children. Are any of the three..."

"Not that we know of." I look at my niece and nephews who are playing tennis with Harald. "I mean, I'm sure they know that it is okay."

"You never know unless your parent says it's okay."  Lindi comments

"True," Nandi adds. I look at the trio and wonder if they know that it is okay to be gay.

We have spent a week with Harald and Nandi, they are an amazing pair, he worships her and she is devoted to him. Her melancholy is purely due to the environment they are enveloped in.

"Aunty Nkoe, can I play tennis?"

"Now?" Kat shakes his head "Back at school?" he nods "Uhm, sure." he smiles before he runs back to Harald to continue playing Tennis.

"So are kids a not now as well?"

"Yes. I would love one or two but with three kids already in the house and we just bought the house six months ago, we are not having a child anytime soon." Nandi answers.

"But I think maybe after two or three years." When the twins leave the nest.

"Oh, okay. Harald and I have a charity gala tomorrow night, you two should join."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, it is going to be a lovely night. The maids can look after the kids."

"We have to go shopping first."

"Oh we can go somewhere, uhm, but it has to be either out of the country or at night."

"Oh? Okay." I comment, she gets up and heads into the house. "When are you going to start painting again?"

"I am not in a feeling state lately." Her shoulders buckle and she avoids my gaze.

"What do you mean?" I ask placing two fingers on her cheek and turning her gaze towards me.

"I do not feel here, I feel disconnected from me."


"It does not feel bad, I just don't feel anything strong enough to want to paint."

"Waiting for inspiration."

"I am."

"Well, I know it will come to you." she smiles before turning her gaze back to the kids.

"It will." 

We managed to get everything we needed to prepare for a gala in time and while we were a few minutes late, it truly did not matter because all the attention was on the Pince and Princess.

I opted for a simple emerald evening gown while Nandi went with a grey gown which she was hiding behind. She is in love with vibrant colours, something is eating away at her and I can not get it out of her.

The event was lengthy, we donated and the speeches went on forever. After the event, we decided to have dinner at a local restaurant. Of course, we had to check with security first and make sure we could make our spontaneous trip a reality.

We have fun telling each other stories and sharing our fun and happy moments. It has been a while since I have had this much fun and while my life is fulfilling, I miss my best friend, I miss having fun over meaningless food.

I think maybe Nandi also misses her friends and those that she is close with and maybe what her life used to be. It has been a huge adjustment over the past few months.

I think before we leave, I would like to get something arranged for when we are back home, to show her how much her current life is amazing too.

Until Next Week!

Hers in Distress [GXG] ✔️Where stories live. Discover now