27 ICU

15 0 0

Nkoe's POV

Recovery has taken its toll on us all and while I am grateful for life, recovery had me silently wishing I had died instead.

The kids' attitude towards me has changed from their usual sparky nature to a careful and thought-out reaction.

Nandi has also been smothering and while I understand where it comes from, I wish everyone would go back to how they were before the incident.

I have felt more alone now with everyone paying attention to me than before. I think it is the way they are so wrapped up in their own grief, they forget that I am here now and the worst is over.

I am headed to physio, I need to relearn how to use my limbs. The doctors did inform me that there was a chance that they would stop working but they are fine and I am fine, physically.

Daniel, who drives the kids to school, also drives me to my appointments or anywhere else I would like to go. Nandi offered but I need space from her worry.

"I keep telling you, that I would not mind taking you..." she comments as I walk in through the door. She is in the kitchen preparing dinner. I take a seat on the island. "Nkoe?" She asks concerned.

"I'm good."

"Are you sure, baby?"


"You have been a little distant this past few weeks and I am wondering if I have done..."

"I know you love and care about me, I love and care about you but I feel smothered by you and how you want to do everything for me and how worried you get about me." She stares at me before looking at the salad. "Forget it."

"No, no, you are right. I am smothering you with my care, why do I even bother?" She pays me no mind and continues cooking but her every move is fueled by rage. The kitchen is filled with loud chops  and metal bangs.

I get up and make my way to her, wrapping an arm around her waist. "Angel, I love that you care, I appreciate that you care and I do not want you to stop caring, what I am asking for is room to get hurt." Sharply her head turns, that did not make her happy. "What is it? What are you afraid of?"

A deep breath later, she says "I do not want to lose you, Nkoe."

"You will not lose me, baby girl."

"What if the next time you get hurt, you don't come back?" Silence falls on us.

"I am not going to live forever, Angel." She drops the fork and knife, "What is it, my love, I am here, right now."

"Why do you want to leave me?"

"When did I say that?" I ask after a chuckle.

"You talk like you want to die or leave me, are you starting a fight so I break up with you? Is that what this is?"

"No, That is not what this is. I want you to be my wife, I am never leaving you for as long as I breathe."

"Oh, so you are mad that I don't want to get married?"

"When did I say that? Nandi, I am not angry, I am in love with you, I am not leaving you and finally, we do not have to get married, baby."

"You don't want to marry me?"

"I do, I promise I would but given the cards we were dealt, I am not obsessing over it." She goes quiet and I let her be. A kiss on her forehead before I make my way to our bedroom.

Until Next Week.

Hers in Distress [GXG] ✔️Where stories live. Discover now