03 Come Thru

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Yesterday, Mr. Jackson's lawyers left the contract and we finalized the contract making him our client for five more years. I had the dossier he asked for prepared and put on an encrypted USB.

Instead of a suit dress, I opted for a little black bodycon dress, I had to look like a clubgoer. The dress did have long sleeves and a modest neckline, I did not stray too far from my comfort zone.

"Lenka! Finally here for fun?"

"Maybe but let's talk in your office." he gets up and leads to his office. There is another duffle on the desk. I place the stick next to it "Everything there is to that person is there, even their patterns. I also erased any trace of the other person."

"That's why I pay you the big bucks." he hands me a paper "I need to know the blueprints, security system, and all those juicy stuff."

"Okay, I will get it to you as soon as possible. Is it in here?" pointing to the envelope sensing that it is heavier than it should be.

"Yes, in diamonds." I hate selling diamonds.

"See you soon, Mr. Jackson." he nods and I head out.

I hand the ticket to the valet and he fetches my car. I notice Nandi is putting her coat on and about to leave.

"I did not know, you were working tonight."

"I work every other night."

"Good to know. Did you package my paintings?"

"Uhm, nearly." I let out a chuckle

"Do you want a lift?"

"I would not mind being dropped off." the valet hands me my keys, I open the door for her before making my way to the driver's side.

"So what brings you to the club?"



"Yeah, clubbing is not my scene."

"Me neither, I prefer being at home."

"With your plants and art." she giggles, she sounds innocent, light-hearted, and adorable.

"Yeah." we get into her apartment and she immediately starts wrapping it in bubble wrap "I just thought you were kidding."

"I am a person who stands by their word." she nods before handing it to me. "Can I have your account number?" she recites it for me and I transfer the funds to her.

"Uhm, I think you put too many zeros."

"I put enough." I put more than I should but she does not need to know that.

"You are paying me a hundred thousand for these?"

"Yeah. I might need more soon depending on when I get this sold."

"What?" she looks in disbelief.

"I am a part-time art curator." not a lie.

"Oh, why did you not say that."

"I do not like leading with that, I have to maintain my cool." she lets out a giggle.

"Would you like some tea before you leave?" how can I say no to spending more time, staring at her face?

"I would love some." she hops into her kitchen and takes out two cups before switching the kettle on.

"So how was your day?"

"It was okay, nothing out of the ordinary, how was yours?"

"It was okay, nothing out of the ordinary."  a chuckle from me

Hers in Distress [GXG] ✔️Where stories live. Discover now