07 Better Thangs

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Spending time with her seems to be a habit, a good one but it was bad, akin to sin. Being the owner of the gallery where her work is showcased can be awful for her credibility.

Have I slept with my other artists? Yes, I have, it would be easier finding artists that I have not slept with rather than trying to find ones I have had sexual contact with. Some would call me a whore but that is not a label that I am comfortable with, I prefer slut.

This is, however, the first time, I care about someone else's reputation, how they can be perceived and along with being enlightening, it is scary.

"Look out your window." After a few moments and she peels the curtain and a smile covers her face

"I did not know you were coming."

"Thought I might grace you with my presence."

"Let me fetch the key and open up for you."


"Don't hang up,"

"I am going to talk to you when I get inside."

"I want to talk to you now as well." I chuckle from me before I drive into her parking space, I hang up as I walk into her apartment.

Dressed in her pyjamas, she offers me tea and the cookies she made earlier.  "How is dress shopping?"

"I have not started. I planned on going on Thursday."


"How dolled up should I get?"

"You are going to be meeting a few people, mostly people who might be buying your art but also some reporters and there will be a carpet."

"So I should get my hair done."

"I like your hair."

"I like my hair but I want to look good."

"Okay, what do you want to do?" sitting next to me, she lays her head on my lap and looks at me. "Please hand me my jacket." once she hands it over, I take my cigarette holder out along with a lighter.

"What is that?"

"Cigarette holder or the lighter."

"Why yellow?" she stands up and goes into the kitchen and comes back with an ashtray

"It is my favourite colour."

"Oh. Why cigarettes?" taking a drag before answering her

"Started the habit young, kept it up."

"Why not weed?"

"I do not like the effects of it." she nods "I do smoke weed at times but it would have to be a day, I do not plan on doing anything important." she nods and I can see her falling asleep. I wait until she is really asleep before I take her to her bed and tuck her in before I head to my place, I did take the key to hers but I plan on going back.

"Where were you?" my father asks as he stands in my kitchen, making a sandwich


"With whom?"

"None of your business. What are you doing in my house?"

"I came to tell you that I have to go to Cape Town for a funeral and I will be gone for a week."

"Could have sent a text."

"I won't be able to look after her."

"I will get a nurse."

"You won't even look after her?"

"No. Get out of my house." he takes his sandwich and leaves.

He was not there for most of my childhood then he came back one day and he has been here since, a thorn in my side.

I came here for a shower and to get some work done, it is currently, quarter past ten so hopefully, I will be done before five a.m.

Buried deep in my work, my phone starts ringing.
"Lenka, Hello?"

"You left," she sounds sad

"I had work to catch up on, I am coming back."


"Why did you wake up?" I ask as I continue working while she tells me about her nightmare.

If I had known that she would have me listen to her ramble and that it soothes me instead of grating my ears, would I have pursued her so strongly? Would I have pursued her at all?

"You still there?"

"Yes, Angel, just listening to you."

"Okay, well I was thinking about my job..."


"I want to quit."

"Is that what you want to do?"

"Yeah, I do not like waitressing and I have a hundred thousand, that will take me a while to burn so I can focus on my art full time."

"Whatever you choose to do, Nandi."

"Good. You also did not have to send me any more money."

"What are you talking about?" with a sinful smile glazed on my face

"The ten thousand with the reference was hair, nails and outfit?"

"Think of it as compensation for the effort you are putting into looking good."

"I have money, Nkoe."

"And? Having more money is not a problem especially if I will not miss it."

"Am I your sugar baby?" laughter erupts from deep within my lungs, growing goosebumps all over my skin.

"Are you asking what we are?"

"Yeah, am I your sugar baby?"

"When you know what you want to label me as you will have your answer."

"What does that even mean?"

"What do you think we are?"

"Friends with benefits." a chuckle, one that fills me with sadness, why does that hurt.

"Then that is what we are." silence for so long, I wonder if she hung up or if she had fallen asleep

"What if I want more?"

"How much more?"

"A lot."

"Say it, Angel, I can't give you anything, if you do not ask for it." more silence,

"WhatifIwantedtobeyourgirlfriend?" mumbled under her breath but I still hear.

"I can make that happen, but you need to give me time." To figure my own feelings out, I really thought this was casual and now, I am coming to terms with the reality that this is not casual at all.

"How far are you?" She whines,

"About to get into my car and drive to your house." she keeps silent "What?"

"Hurry." a chuckle

"You are clingy."  a giggle


"Not maybe, you are."

"Only for you."

"How lucky I am." I smile as I press start on my car.

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