Chapter 1: Things Were About to Change

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I produced my best smile as I walked out onto that stage, the audience clapping for me. I then proudly took the main seat next to the late night show host, Johnny Carson.

"So, you just had a new album come out, didn't you," he casually asked.

"Yeah, it's my second one, and I have a feeling it's going to do better than my first one. I was still learning on that one."

"Yeah, any kind of job is always a learning process. I remember I wasn't as confident for my first gig. So, is there a certain song you're most proud of?"

"Probably the second track, which is also what's been playing on the radio the past month," I slightly laughed, feeling my nerves kick in.

"Yeah, I've heard that one. It's very good. How did you think of putting a kazoo in there? It works very well by the way, but I'm just curious where that inspiration came from."

"I just wanted to try something different, a new sound, and I was glad it actually worked." Another small laugh escaped my lips as my brown, curly hair moved a little.

"Are you nervous?"

I felt the blush rise to my cheeks from how obvious it was. "Yeah, I've never been on your show before, and I've admired your work for years. And I also always get nervous before doing anything public."

"Really? I never would have guessed it by how confident you seem."

"That's just an act. An act that I'm failing at this evening." Another laugh fell from me as I put my hand near my mouth to try to disguise it.

"No, you're doing fine. I can tell that you're a sweet girl, and we'll be right back after this commercial break."

"Um, do you know when Leonardo DiCaprio's coming out here," I asked once the cameras were temporarily off.

"Oh, so that's why you're really nervous," Johnny teased before looking down at his schedule on the desk. "It looks like he's our last guest of the night. Are you staying for the whole show? You do have to sit up here with the other guests."

"Yeah, I'm definitely staying," I confirmed just as we were live again.

"You grew up in Michigan, is that correct," Johnny double checked.

"Yeah, just a small town girl, but now I've been in Los Angeles."

"How do you like it here?"

"I really love the beaches and the sunny weather, but some of the weather's scary. I didn't like that last earthquake."

"Yeah, it was a bigger one than we've had in awhile."

"It's my first earthquake I've ever experienced."

"I'm sorry to hear that," he genuinely expressed.

"It's okay. It was really scary, but I was in my apartment, and I got to a safe area in it. Thankfully not much got broken, just a few picture frames from the wall, but they can be replaced."

"Yeah, I'm glad you were alright. What's been your favorite part of rising to fame?"

"Probably sharing my music and voice with the world, and all the opportunities, like being here is my ultimate dream. I've watched your show for a long time. You really are the king of late night television."

"Well, thank you," he humbly said. He then directed his attention towards the audience. "Stay tuned for our next guest. Tom Hanks should be taking the stage any minute now."

I was even more starstruck as I watched my favorite comedic actor stepping out after the break.

"Hey, Johnny, Wendy," Tom politely greeted, causing me to grow shy since he knew my name.

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