Chapter 2: The Tavern

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I wasn't sure what to say now that I was in a car with Leo. I looked around the interior as we sat on opposite sides of the backseat.

"So, where do you want to go for drinks," I wondered after finally thinking up a conversation.

"I was thinking this tavern. The paparazzi typically don't follow me there, so it's kind of a secret place," he explained.

"That sounds nice. I wish I had a secret place like that. It seems like they find me everywhere."

"You just have to find ways to outsmart them. Sometimes I take backroads, or I wear a baseball cap and a hoodie. I really liked your first album by the way."

"Oh, thank you." I felt a bit stunned that he had heard my music before.

"Yeah, I haven't heard your new one yet, but I've been meaning to. I've just been so busy," he softly chuckled.

"So... you like pop music? I thought you were more into stuff like R&B."

"I am, but your songs stood out to me. They're really heartfelt, you know? You just pour everything into them. I felt like I experienced your whole year with you."

"Well, I do write from real life experiences."

"No shit. So, that guy really stood you up in that one song?"

"Yeah, it wasn't a good feeling, but I guess if you heard the song you would know how awful it was."

"I'm so sorry. He shouldn't have done that, but you still kept the story classy, truthful but classy," he shared.

"Thanks, it was hard to do that with how hurt I was, but I know it's helped my fans through their own dark times, so it's been worth it," I weakly smiled, him doing the same before I realized we had parked. We stepped out onto the sidewalk, Leo pulling his hoodie up as I kept my head ducked low. The tavern was dark but it had a cozy atmosphere, the sound of clinking silverware heard as we stepped further inside. We decided on a table by a grand window, the street looking blurry as it started to rain a decent amount.

"I thought you might be hungry, so this place is good for food too," Leo spoke up as we looked over our menus.

"I think I'll have the bangers and mash," I decided.

"I think I'll have the vegan Irish stew. I haven't tried it yet. Do you know what drink you want?"

"Do you want to share a wine bottle?"

"Alright," he agreed, him putting in both our orders. I smiled warmly when the red wine arrived, savoring the first sip, since it was such high quality. I watched as Leo swallowed a bit too, it feeling surreal that we were about to dine together.

"It's so crazy how often I write songs. It's just become such a normal part of my day, that I'm already working on my third album," I laughed quietly as a blush rose to my cheeks.

"Yeah, I get what you're saying. I'm so used to acting, it can be weird to have time off. I'll find myself already looking for the next part I'll be starring in." He rubbed his chin before looking outside at the sheets of rain on the window. "It doesn't usually rain like this in Los Angeles." Quiet chuckles escaped his lips as I felt myself smiling a little.

"Yeah, I'm used to this kind of weather in Michigan, especially the snow. There's a lot of snow there because of the lakes. I haven't lived in Los Angeles for too long."

"It's a great city. Have you been to any of the beaches?"

"Yeah, they're like a dream. It's not too hot or too cold, and I love seeing the guys going by on skateboards. It just seems like such a cool place. It's like from one of those movies," I rambled a bit, keeping myself from overdoing it.

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