Chapter 12: I Just Couldn't Resist

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I found myself back in the studio soon after visiting Leo. It was no surprise that I was writing a song about how I was jealous about him liking someone else. I kept screaming out the chorus as I became angry, and then going softer as the sadness settled in on the bridge. It was therapeutic being able to express my feelings as loud as I wanted.

"I think that's a good demo," my producer, Leah, told me.

"You were recording me," I asked in disbelief, feeling the heat cover my face.

"I just thought it was you at your most vulnerable and raw moment. I thought if we didn't use any of this, we could still draw inspiration from it."

"I guess that is a good idea, but I did not mean to sound that angry. I guess I'm just frustrated. The guy I really like keeps going out with another girl."

"You mean, Leo," she asked, faintly smirking at me with her arms crossed.

"Yeah...," I sighed, wondering how I would keep this from the press when everyone I knew figured it out.

"I think he's going to inspire your best album yet. It's so full of... different emotions, but they all make sense together."

"Yeah, I guess it's basically what falling in love is like. I mean..." I wanted to slap my hand over my mouth when I realized what I just said. I hadn't even thought about if my feelings were going in that direction.

"It's okay, Wendy. You know you can trust me. I would never share anything you tell me in confidence."

"Thanks," I smiled in relief, carefully placing my mandolin in its case. I decided to go straight home after a full morning of work. I felt fairly tired as I cuddled up in my bed, about to turn the television on that I had in my room before I heard the phone ring. "Hello," I asked, cradling the pale pink cord phone between my ear and shoulder.

"Hey, Wendy," I heard Leo's voice, making me instantly sit up straighter. I could feel my insides turning to mush and the silliest smile forming on my lips.

"Hi...," I trailed off, feeling shy and excited at the same time.

"I tried calling you earlier, but you didn't answer."

"Oh yeah, I went straight from your house to the studio. I was actually about to watch some t.v. and maybe take a nap. It was kind of emotionally draining. I had this really loud song, but I'll make it softer before I release it."

"I guess it's bad timing for me to ask if I can drop by. I was in town anyway, and I thought-"

"Of course you can come over," I hurriedly cut him off, not meaning for my enthusiasm to get the better of me.

"Alright," he softly chuckled, that sound always music to my ears.

"How soon do you think you'll be here?"

"About twenty minutes. Traffic's bad right now since it's lunch hour."

"Okay, I'll see you then," I happily reacted, truly feeling I was on a whirlwind. I guess whenever Leo was around me I tended to forget about anyone else in the world, including his potential future girlfriend. It was when I was left alone all of the doubts and fears crept in more. I fixed up my hair, since it was just thrown into a bun, running a straightener through it, since I didn't have time for curls. I even put on a bit of makeup, keeping it fairly natural. When I saw that I still had ten minutes to spare, I ran up to the loft, making a rough draft for a song. The creativity had been endless ever since I met Leo. I didn't waste any time when I heard him at the door, catching my breath once I was downstairs. "Hey," I warmly smiled when I was met with his ocean eyes.

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