Chapter 4: Casual, Classy, and Fancy

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My apartment felt colder than usual after Leo left, me not sure what to do with myself. All I could repeat in my mind was his gorgeous smile and hypnotizing blue eyes. I just found myself pacing in front of the couch, joining my fingers together as I wondered how his date was going. I imagined they would be dressed up, probably going to an expensive restaurant, and she would have freshly waxed her legs and done everything to look perfect. I ran my fingers through my still messed up curly hair, stopping when they got caught in the strands. I decided to take a shower to detour my racing thoughts, the hot water able to calm me. I went up to the loft after getting dressed and blow drying my hair, picking up my mandolin as I worked on the song from earlier. I bit my lower lip as I felt a smile growing on my face, realizing that the tune was quite happy. I think subconsciously I had already been preparing a melody for the way Leo made me feel when meeting him. He had always brought me joy even if it was only behind a television screen. I frowned when I heard the telephone ringing around midnight after I had gotten settled into bed.

"Hello," I hesitantly asked, wondering who would call this late. Typically I received calls earlier, since my family lived in a three hour time difference.

"Hey," a male voice replied, me still uncertain who it was.

"Who is this?" In all honesty I didn't really know any guys at the moment.

"Leo," he softly chuckled, my heart fluttering and then bursting with happiness. I instantly sat up straighter against my pillows, trying not to sound like I was floating in the sky.

"Hi, how was your date?" I didn't want to ask, but it was the only thing I could think of to say.

"It was pretty good. It's too soon to tell if we have a strong connection or not. I mean, she's beautiful, but... I called to talk to you, not talk about her."

I was upset about what he shared about the girl, but his last line was making me all giddy again. "Why did you want to talk to me? Aren't you tired?"

"A little, but I just was in the mood to talk to you. Do you think we could talk until I fall asleep? I'm literally lying in my bed right now." Quiet chuckles escaped his lips as I leaned back a tiny bit more.

"I am too. I was just about to watch some t.v. when you called. Usually that helps me to fall asleep."

"Did you figure out more about your song?"

"Oh yeah. I have the whole melody down now. I spent all evening working on it. I have no idea what the lyrics will be yet, but I'll write those soon. Where did you eat tonight?"

"This bar and grill place. I still like the tavern we went to yesterday better though."

"I feel like I would too. Did you dress up and wear a suit and tie?"

"I wore a nice shirt and pants, but I didn't go all full out. She had on a black dress, so she wasn't that fancy either. What did you do besides writing your song today?"

"Not much, to be honest. I had pasta for dinner with an avocado."

"That actually sounds better than what I had. I would choose pasta over anything. Hey, you want to go to this Mexican restaurant with me tomorrow? My schedule's cleared for the next few days," he brought up.

"Okay." I forgot about not sounding too eager, unable to stop my smile from spreading anymore. "What time do you want to do that?"

"I can pick you up around ten in the morning. I don't want to come too late or we'll be caught in the lunch rush."

"That sounds good, except I might be tired, since it's past midnight already," I laughed softly.

"That's alright. I might be tired too. It's the same time here."

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