Chapter 6: Fire Pit

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I don't think either of us meant for me to stay at Leo's house for so long. Eventually we were outside in front of his fire pit, me trying to get cozy on the pieced together light grey couch. I kept hugging myself since the temperature had dropped quite a bit. Leo eventually came over with a creme colored blanket for me, draping it over both of us as we watched the flames dance before us. It was getting fairly dark out as we stayed where we were.

"Is that better," Leo checked, his blue eyes glowing even in the lack of light.

"Yeah," I managed to respond, tucking my brown hair behind my ear for a moment. "Are you ready for me to go home yet?" I was being playful about it, but deep down I hoped he wanted me to stay.

"No, not unless you want to."

I blushed when I felt his foot bump into mine. We were resting them on the matching grey ottoman before us. "I've had a really nice day."

"Me too." Silence settled between us as I just absorbed the fact I was here. I glanced over at Leo before looking away a few times.

"What," he softly chuckled, catching me.

"I just can't believe I'm here. I need to use the bathroom. I'll be right back," I hurriedly added, nearly running from the scene. In all honestly I was fine, but a song idea had struck me, and my nerves were taking over. Usually music was how I calmed myself, me taking out my audio cassette recorder from my purse. I anxiously paced the living room as I sang a little tune into it along with lyrics on how I felt about Leo. I could feel the storytelling taking over me as I mentioned the fire pit and how the sky was clear, and we could almost see the stars, and I just let myself get swept away in wishes of a kiss, of things moving faster than they ever would, of how it would feel to be his. Once I reopened my eyes I took a deep breath before hitting the 'stop' button, carefully tucking it back away into my bag. I patted my hair down before finding Leo just lazily staring into the fire, leaning his head against the back of the couch.

"Hey," I greeted, snuggling beneath the blanket again.

"Hey. You okay? You were gone awhile," he spoke, sitting up a bit straighter now that I had returned.

"Yeah, I just... I kind of had a song idea, so I was working on that. Sorry I left like that." I couldn't lie to him as I gave him an empathetic expression.

"Can I hear it?" His voice was so soft and beautiful with the faintest smile that made his face glow.

"No... I would be too embarrassed. It's just a rough draft, and I can't even remember how the tune goes exactly." I felt myself rambling as more lies slipped without me meaning to let them.

"That's alright. Are you okay with staying out here? I didn't expect it to be so chilly tonight," he lowly chuckled.

"Yeah, it's warm enough with the fire and blanket. So, are you going to hang out with friends or something tomorrow?" I was trying to subtly figure out if he wanted to be with me again. I joined my hands together beneath the blanket as I just looked at the lumps of our feet hidden.

"I thought about doing something with Tobey. I haven't seen him in awhile." He licked his lips before his blue eyes drifted over towards me.

"Oh. That will be nice. I know that you and Tobey are like best friends."

"Are you seeing friends tomorrow? Or going into the studio," he curiously wondered, me grateful that the rosy hue on my cheeks was shadowed from the night.

"Going into the studio sounds like a good idea. I need to get my new song ideas sorted out. That's where I usually work with other people on them. It helps to have different opinions bouncing around."

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