Chapter 20: Lavender Haze

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Leo being gone in Thailand made me have lots of junk food with Tobey when he came over, while also working on promoting my new album.

"What do you think of this song? Do you think it should be the single," I asked him as we sat in my apartment. I was currently on a bag of Cheetos, which were making my fingers all orange and messy.

"I actually liked that other one you just played," he admitted.

"You mean the angry one? Yeah, I like that one too, but I don't want to open the album with that. I want it to be one of the happy songs."

"Then I did like the one you just mentioned. It has a good beat to it. You looking forward to Leo coming home tomorrow?" He already knew my answer, especially with how I instantly grinned.

"Of course! It's been months since I've been able to be with him in person. Phone calls just aren't the same at all," I frowned.

"I'm going to miss coming over like this. I've had fun getting to know you and binge watching movies, and helping you out with your music."

"I'm going to miss it too. You know Leo and I will invite you over to the mansion all the time though. It's not like we're saying goodbye for a long time."

"That's true. Do you want a water?"

"Yeah, that would be great," I confessed, puzzled when I heard the doorbell to my apartment. I cautiously went up to the door, squinting through the peephole. I almost hyperventilated as I fought with the lock, ripping it open so fast I almost hit myself. I jumped straight into Leo's arms, hugging him tighter than ever and feeling the tears streaming down my cheeks. "I missed you so much," I whispered, kissing his neck since I was too overwhelmed to think of stretching on my tip toes for his cheek.

"I missed you so much too. Fuck, you're more beautiful than I remembered," he breathed, causing me to giggle as I gradually felt the serenity seep in.

"I can't believe you got here early. Are you staying here tonight, or we going back to your place?"

"I'd rather go back to my mansion, because most of my stuff is there. Is that alright?"

"Of course! I just want to be with you," I slightly laughed, intertwining our fingers before leading him to the kitchen to see Tobey. "This has been my buddy for the last few months."

"Hey," Tobey happily greeted Leo, giving him a bro hug. "Do I need to leave now?"

"We are going back to my mansion, so in a little bit we'll be leaving," Leo explained.

"That's fine. I think I'll go ahead and leave now, but it's great to have you back."

"Yeah, I'm really glad to be back too." They waved to each other, and as soon as the front door shut I was taking Leo in.

"Wow, you got a really nice tan in Thailand," I commented.

"Yeah, it was kind of required for the movie," he softly chuckled, taking a seat on my couch.

"You're still in such tropical clothes. Did you have a good time?"

"Yeah, I fucking hated having to kiss my co-star though. It was nothing against her, but it would just make me miss you more every take. All I wanted to do was hold and kiss you."

"I was wondering if that might affect your feelings for me," I sadly expressed.

"It was all professional. Everyone can vouch for me that I would not shut up about you the entire time. Whenever we had time in between scenes, I was telling everyone stories about us."

I felt myself naturally smiling as I gazed over at him fondly. "I think you got more muscles too."

"Yeah, that was another requirement. I didn't have to get bulked up, but I needed to at least tone my stomach."

Lavender Haze || Leonardo DiCaprioWhere stories live. Discover now