We finally land on Corvus the forest planet. We got out to see creatures form a distance.

We heard a cop din and I turned to see the child with a ball peice he likes to play with.

"What did I say about that?" Din asked taking it from him "this needs to stay here.I picked up the child then sensed something something I haven't felt before."You okay?"

I shook and looked at din "yeah" I said giving him the kid "I think I'm gonna look around the area you head to town. And take the child I'll be fine"

Din nods "you be careful, babe" then he walks with the child.

I go a different direction. I searched in the forest trying to search for what I'm sensing. It's been while of my searching until I decided to give up.

When I turned to see a figure attack me with their lightsabers I blocked theirs with mine immediately as we began fighting.

It's been a bit as I stoped her she was a torguga Jedi.

"Ahsoka tano?" I spoke as she put down her lightsabers "I have been sent her by bo katan and long with  a mandolorian friend of mine we need to talk"

"I hope it's about you and him" Ahsoka said looking at something behind me I turned and saw din pointing his blaster at her but slowly puts it down and walks to the child.

Later we watched them
Have some sort of thing Then we looked to see Ahsoka walking towards us with the child. The child babbles at her.

"Is he speaking?" Din asked "do you understand him?"

"In a way" Ahsoka answered "grogu and I can feel each other's thoughts"

"Grogu?" I asked as the kid looks at me like I'm calling him that.

"Yes. That's his name. He was raised at the Jedi temple in corusant." She explained "many master trained him over the years at the end of the clone wars when the empire rose to power he was hidden. Someone took him from the temple. Then his memory became... dark.  He seemed lost. Alone"

I felt sorry for grogu it must've been really hard for him.

"Was there any other being  like him?" I asked.

"I've only know one other being like this." She replied "a wise Jedi master named yoda." She chuckled and then looked at din "can hestill wield the force"

"You mean his powers" din tries to correct her.

"Din" i spoke the force is what gave himhis  powers."

Then Ahsoka spoke again "it is an engergy feild created by all living thing to wield it takes a great deal of training and disapline."

"I've seen them do things I can't explain. I was tasked to bring him to the Jedi.

I noticed she frowned "the Jedi order fell a long time ago"

"So did the. Empire. Yet it still hunts him too" I spoke "we need your help"

She sighed then nods "I'll test him in the morning.

In the morning we were pre prepared to test us.

Ahsoka picks up the stone before looking at GROGU  "I'm gonna pass the stone to you then you have to return to me." She used the for to move the stone to me  as he caught  "good Now return the stone to me grogu" he didn't move.

"He doesn't understand" din tells her.

"He does" she replied but then grogu drops the stone and she walks up to him and grabbed his hand "I sense much fear in you" the she stood up "he's hidden his abilities to survive over the years let's try something else." She looks at me "I want to see if he'll listen to you"

"That would be the first to witness it" din said as I walked towards her.

"I like firsts" she said "good or bad, they're always memorable." She gives me the stone.

But I had a better idea "din" I pulled my hand out as he sighed and handed me the piece of the ship he likes to play with "grogu. Do you want this? Take it" I told him as he used the force to take it "good job"

"Good job kid" din said as we walked towards him "he did a great job didn't he?" Din looks at me as he puts my arm around me.

"Yes" I smiled.

"He  formed a strong attachment with each of you " Ahsoka said as we looked at her she shook her head I cannot train him "

"What?" I exclaimed "why not? You've seen what we both can do"

"Yours and his attachments to the mandolorian makes him  vulnerable to your fears. His anger."

"All the more reasons to train them both" din spoke.

"No." She exclaimed "I've seen what such feeling can do to a fully trained Jedi knight. To the best of us. I will start you both down that path. Better to let your abilities fade. I've delayed too long I must get back to the village" she said walking away from us.

"The magastrate sent me here to kill you." Din confessed as I looked at him and Ahsoka stops and turn to face us again "i didn't agree to anything and I'll help you with your problem. If you see to it that aztecha and grogu is properly trained.

We walked to view the two as mando explains about this magistrate "she has a small army of gaurds with A350 blaster rifles, two HK-87 assassin droids and a hired gun fighter. He reads ex- military to me. Combined not even laser swords  would be able to protect you from all fire power"

"True" Ahsoka said "but don't underestimate the magistrates either"

"Who is she?" I asked.

""She offered me a staff of pure basket to kill you." Din tells her.

"Morgan elsbeth." She Answered "during the clone wars her people were massacred. She survived and let her anger fuel an industry which helped build imperial starfleet she plundered worlds destrying them in the process"

"Looks like she's still in business" I spoke.

Ahsoka looks at din "When you were in the city did you see any prisoners?"

"I saw three villagers strung up outside the inner gate"

"You must din a way to free them"

"A mandolorian and a jedi?" I asked "they'll never see it coming."

Once we made a plan Ahsoka suggested that I go with her we ran to town and took down every guards until we encountered Morgan and her guards.

Then later we find a way to free the people from the magistrates

Din told me to grab grogu as he wines as I picked him up "I wish it would be this way either."

Din walked in and put my arm around my shoulder as we looked at grogu then we walked outside and saw Ahsoka standing there.

"You like parents to him" she said "I cannot train him."

"You made us a promise and we held up our end" din said.

Ahsoka sighed and touched my face "there is one possibility. Go to the planet tyrhon. There you will find the ancient ruins of a temple that has a strong Cobb to the force. You must place  grogu on the seeing stone at the top of the mountain."

"Then what?" I asked.

"Then he choose his own path." She answered "if you reach out through the force there's a chance a Jedi may sense yours and his presence and come searching for you and him. The. Again, they're aren't many Jedi left."

I noded "thank you. I hope we'll see each other again"

"As do I, May the force be with you"

Din, grogu and I walked back to the ship as it started.

I sat down and looked at grogu a
Who was cooing at me.

Star Wars the immortals: book of renWhere stories live. Discover now