‿︵‿︵୨˚̣̣̣୧ - chapter 1 - ୨˚̣̣̣୧‿︵‿︵

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《-----------------_the beginning_-----------------》

*Aruna and  Oberon are sitting on the couch next to eachother while Virat is making food. Virat's parents were gone for the week so they decided to hang out there to be left alone for once. After a bit, Virat finished making pancakes and set up plates.*

Virat: "guys the food's done, I made pancakes" *they had a quieter voice, not super high pitched but not super deep either. They were a Vampire, but they didnt drink blood as much as a normal one. They had sat down with their own plate of pancakes.*

Oberon: "Oh, thanks Virat, they look good" *Oberon's voice was alot deeper then Virat's, but it was also a very friendly voice for a Demon. He got up after gently patting Aruna's head, then went and sat down infront of his plate.*

Aruna: "Oh food! Thanks Vi, they smell good" *Her voice was a bit higher pitched and energetic. She was extremely short for a werewolf and even an avrage human. She went over and sat down excitedly, almsot immediately starting to eat.*

Virat: *after they finished, they washed their plate before sitting back down* "how are they? Did I mess something up?"

Oberon: "they are amazing, nothing needs changed." *he went over washing his plate before standing by Virat.*

Aruna: "I love them, they are so good, do you have more?" *she sat and stared at Virat, her eyes slightly glowing as she got more excited.*

Virat: "You can have the rest, unless oberon wants some?"

Oberon: "Nope, take them, if I get hungry later I'll make something."

Aruna: *She made a happy squeak sound before taking the rest of the pancakes, eating them  quickly before washing her plate* "Movie?"

Oberon: "If Vi says its alright, we can watch a movie and set up for bed."

Virat: "Yeah, let's get pillows and blankets set up. I know Aru will fall asleep during the movie." *They smiled before bringing out pillows and blankets for everyone.* "There."

Oberon: "Thank you Vi."

Aruna: "Yeah, thank you Vi!" *she set up a spot on the floor and set blankets and pillows down, then layed down waiting for the boys*

Oberon: *he smiled before laying down next to Aruna, wrapping his arm around her*

Virat: *they sat by Oberon and watched the movie*

*About halfway through the movie Aruna fell asleep laying against Oberon who gently wrapped her in a blanket before whispering to virat*

Oberon: "she's asleep"

Virat: "alright, want to wake her up and take her home or just wanna do a sleepover?"

Oberon: "I dont wanna wake her up, are you fine with us sleeping here-?"

Virat: "yeah, sleep well, I'll make you guys food in the morning."

Oberon: *he smiled* "thanks Vi, I owe you."

Virat: "You don't owe me anything, its enough to see both of you 2 happy" *they layed down and wrapped themself in a blanket before falling Asleep.*

Oberon: *he fell asleep shortly after Virat*

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