‿︵‿︵୨˚̣̣̣୧ - chapter 10- ୨˚̣̣̣୧‿︵‿︵

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*aruna woke up and looked around, she could hear willow in her head but couldn't understand what she was saying. After a few minutes she got up and took a deep breath.*

Aruna: "Willow you ok?"

Willow: "Virat, woods, pack, injured, jail."

Aruna: "Calm down and breath willow."

Willow: "virat in pack jail."

Aruna: *she paused, jumping out the window and shifted to willow,  there were fabric scraps everywhere but she didnt care, she had her bag in her mouth as she ran to the pack territory.*

~Virats POV~

*He woke up in a cell, looking around confused, then he saw the werewolves. He started to panic slightly.*

Virat:《Nononono I didn't do anything why am I here why was I kidnapped-》

*There was footsteps coming toward Virat, he quickly moved to the corner. There were 2 guards and another man, who virat realized was the alpha wolf. They walked past a few others cells before stopping at his.*

Alpha: "Why were you in pack territory. We dont accept vampires in our territory."

Virat: "I didn't know this was werewolf territory, I was just getting away from my parents.."

Alpha: "Your a vampire, you stay in groups. Wheres yours?"

Virat: "I'm not old enough, I havent been accepted into it yet"

*the 3 werewolves went silent, then willow ran down the steps and was growling. The Alpha stared straight into willows eyes*

Alpha: "Shift."

*he used the tone most werewolves would immediately listen to. But willow continued to growl and started moving closer. Once she got close the 2 guards shifted and jumped at willow who narrowly avoided them both, then she slammed her head into  the alpha pushing him away from the cell. At this point one of the guards jumped and pinned willow down while the other got infront of the alpha to protect him. Willow started scratching at the guard wolf's chest and stomach till she could get him off. Once he was off she bit the skin on his neck and fling him into the other guard, then started biting and trying to break the lock.*

*Willow didnt notice the alpha had shifted till she was pinned down with his teeth around her neck. Then she slowed down and looked at Virat giving up and realizing she would be killed if she continued. She shifted back to her human form showing defeat, then the other 3 wolves shifted back and wrapped towels around themselves and gave one to Aruna.*

Alpha: "Explain yourself."

Aruna: *she was very quiet.* "My friend was kidnapped and my wolf took over.."

*that was a lie, she let willow take over, but she would be killed if she said that.*

Alpha: "Is that vampire your mate?"

Aruna: "No. He isnt, but me, him, and my mate are all friends."

Alpha: "I'll make you a deal. I'll let your friend go home, if you say in this pack in place of your parents."

Aruna: "But my siblings- they wont be taken care of, my parents dont take care of them.."

Alpha: "You get one day, to get your parents to come to the pack. If they dont, your family will become rogues. Including your siblings."

Aruna: *she took a deep breath.* "I understand.."

Alpha: "Good. Now, take your friend and leave, If I dont see your parents by sundown tomorrow, you will no longer be part of this pack and you will move."

*aruna nodded and the alpha unlocked the cell, Virat slowly walking out. Aruna shifted and layed down to let virat on, then she took a back exit out so they didnt get attacked, then once they got out, Willow shifted back behind a tree, aruna coming back with clothes on, then went over to hug virat*

Virat: "Ru- you shouldn't have done that, you risk having to leave completely-"

Aruna: "I need you to take care of Nana and Zay. I'm gonna take you to Oberons then come back to here and agree to stay here for a while. That way we wont be rogues and you will be safe."

Virat: "ok.. but what was that about me knowing your mate?"

Aruna: "I'll tell you when I get back." *she picked up virat and ran to oberons house, knocking on the door. Once it opened Aruna gave Virat to Oberon. Then left.*

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⏰ Last updated: May 28, 2023 ⏰

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