‿︵‿︵୨˚̣̣̣୧ - chapter 6- ୨˚̣̣̣୧‿︵‿︵

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《----------------------_The Run_--------------------》

*as the three got to the forest Aruna dissapeared behind a tree comming out as a wolf, she was a white wolf with grey and black streaks and her white and purple eyes with the black ring. She was holding her bag in her mouth before hanging it on a tree.*

Oberon: *he smiled.* "pretty wolf."

Virat: "small pretty wolf."

Zay: *he ran over and jumped onto Aruna's back.* "Ruru ride!"

Nana: *she giggled and sat down next to Oberon and Virat.*

Oberon: "small pup."

Virat: "very small."

Aruna: *she went over, nuzzling oberons hand before laying down for Nana to get on with her brother.*

Oberon: "ready to run around for a bit?"

Aruna: *she got up and ran around him for a second showing she was exited.*

*the others laughed and Aruna started running, Oberon running after, barely keeping up, Virat in his bat form flying next to them. It was like this for a few hours till Oberon got hit in the face with a tree branch he didnt see.*

Virat: *He changed back to his bat form.* "Are you ok? You hit that branch pretty hard-."

Aruna: *she let Nana and Zay off then went behind a tree, staying there for a minute before coming back and walking over to Oberon who was laying on the ground.* "maybe next time I should be a little slower."

Oberon: *His forehead was bruised and bleeding, and he was laying on the ground, but he laughed.* "nope, I just didnt think  the branch would hit me."

Virat: "I think we should head back, and get you an ice pack."

Oberon: "And tylenol."

Zay: *He had sat next to Oberon.* not smart

Nana: *she was giggling because she had found a patch of flowers.*

Aruna: "Let's go back and make sure you dont need to go to the hospital."

Virat: "Yeah, let's go make sure you didnt crack your skull or your brain."

*Oberon got up and the group started walking back. As they got back, Oberon left for a few minutes, coming back with his head wrapped in bandages and his dad behind him*

Oberon's dad: "You will be fine, you will heal in a few days, dont hit your head on anything else."

Oberon: "I'll try not to, thanks dad."

Oberon's dad: "Want to introduce me to your friends?"

Oberon: "Right, Dad, this is Aruna and Virat. Then the younger 2 are Aruna's siblings, Zay and Nana."

Aruna: "Nice to meet you Mr. Salazar"

Virat: "Nice to meet you."

Nana and zay: *Happy wave before continuing to roll around a ball.*

Fritz Salazar (oberons dad): "No need for the Mr. Just call me fritz, it's nice to know Oberon managed to hold on to friends."

Virat: "hm?"

Aruna: "What do you mean?"

Oberon: *he went over to play with the twins.*

Fritz: "Well his mom is a little crazy, dont know what I was thinking when I married her, she tried sabotaging his whole life so he would go back to her for help and leave me. It didnt work as you can see."

Oberon: "My sister is trying, failing horribly, cant figure out who my friends are."

Fritz: "Yeah, your sister cant use most of her abilities, your mom is too lazy to teach her."

Aruna: "Mine arnt around, when they are they dont talk to me or the twins."

Virat: "mine think everyone is gonna hurt me."

Fritz: "Well if you need help, you can always drop by here, I dont mind the extras, we are working on getting Oberon here full time, anyway, you guys go have fun, you can set up in the living room, or theres a larger guest bedroom across from Oberons room."

Oberon: "Thanks dad, we are gonna be in my room for a bit then we are planning on getting food and setting up out here."

Fritz: "Alright, I'll leave you guys be, if you can, grab me food as well, I have to attend a meeting then run some errands."

Virat: "We will."

Fritz: "Oberon knows what I normally get at most places."

Oberon: "I do, I'll get you food dad."

Fritz: *he nodded and left.*

*The group went into oberons room. It was a dark purple room with red, blue, and black drips, music disks all over the walls and in small piles on his desk, then a gutar and a book on the nightstand next to his bed, it was a larger bed, large enough for the 3 to lay on, then a top storage area with alot of things.*

Oberon: "I know theres alot in here, I can get a game out or something."

Aruna: "You play the gutar?"

Oberon: "Not anymore."

Virat: "Why?"

Oberon: "I dont know."

Zay: "music is pretty tho.-"

Oberon: *he smiled.* "Music is pretty, I like music, but I just dont make it."

Nana: "Ruru likes music, she used to go to band performances for her school, she dosnt go now because she dosnt have time."

Aruna: "Yeah..." *she paused for a few seconds.* "let's get food, I'm hungry from running."

*The group left the house for a bit, coming back, oberon set a bag down on a desk next to his dads door, then they all set up in the living room to sleep.*

{This chapter took alot of time, I was kinda stressed out for a bit, I also lost my idea page, but I'm trying. I'll set up more chapters to post hopefully next week. This is a longer chapter, but hope it will make up for the wait, next chapter few chapters will be just about the main 3 characters. Their thoughts and feelings, and hopefully after, you will have a Aruna and her wolf chapter, or that chapter will be the "just Aruna" chapter. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed and have a good day/night!}

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