Chapter One

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Footsteps echoed throughout the endless maze that was Nigel's base. Troops guarded every side of the five most powerful operatives: the ones leading this whole operation. The five looked in all different directions for anything they could get their hands on. If they could pull out a wire or two just to set Nigel back for a day, they would. However, this place was heavily defended.
He didn't have guards or gun turrets to help protect him, what protected him were the numbers of rooms and walls of steel in his base. Even the wires were wrapped with numerous steel coverings, preventing them from being damaged. Sometimes, they would find a wire left unprotected. And in this case, they found one in Room 59.

Hoagie got on one knee to get to the wire. "Pst, Abby. I need something to cut this with."


Hoagie grabbed the cutters from her hand and gave a nod, before beginning to cut through the wire. Once he cut through, the power in that area shut off. The only light sources were the emergency lights that lined the floors.
It didn't take long for it all to power back up again. Nigel had back up power supplies for every room that could run for as long as 10 hours. Static emitted from the speakers on the sides of the walls, before cutting to the sound of clapping.

A familiar voice began to speak. "Well done, friends. You managed to find a wire I didn't cover. This will set me back, ah... A day or two? Oh well."

Rachel cupped her hands and shouted at the speaker. "Anything to hold you back, ya backstabbing scum!"

"Yes, yes... I understand. How... Inconvenient. But I was hoping you pests would show up today anyways. I want to show you my brand new puppy..."

The five looked at each other in confusion. Only seconds later, their confusion turned to fear, as the door ahead of them opened, revealing a large werewolf-like being.

"I've been working with this mutt for a month now, training it to become stronger and stronger... I think now he's finally ready to play. Have fun!"

The power shut off again, leaving only the dim floor lights on. The door the werewolf came out of shut behind it, trapping the five and their troops with it. It approached them slowly, growling and snarling at them.

"Come on, what are you doing?! Fire at them!" Chad pushed a troop in front of him, in hopes they'd fire at the monster.

Gunshots echoed through the empty room, flying off the monstrosity that stood before them. Nigel had put technology onto it through its shock collar to protect it from the typical bullets they use.
Upon realizing they were unmatched, Rachel pointed at the shut door behind them. Hoagie and a few troops ran over to the door and they began to tamper with it, attempting to get it open. The others tried to buy them some time by continuing to shoot at the thing, backing up as it got closer and closer.
Thanks to the research Hoagie had done on the doors Nigel uses, he found the failsafe that was installed in cases where the door was jammed and needed to be opened. He activated it, causing the doors to open. Hoagie gave the go-ahead for them to exit through the door, and they began to flee to their ship.
After running from room to room, they made it back to their ship. They managed to get it up just in time before Nigel's experiment got to it.

"Since when did Nigel have a weredog as a pet?!"

"Who knows, but I'm just glad we could get out of there before that thing ate our heads." Hoagie pushed the autopilot button on his controls, allowing him to sit back.

"Did ya see that collar it had on? Numbuh 5 doesn't think it attacked us on it's own free will..."

"It looked like a shock collar. I recognized some of the electronics it was composed of. Nigel must be using it to get the thing to do what he wants."

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