Chapter Six

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"What are we going to do?!"

Abby put her hand on Kuki's shoulder, hoping that she'd calm down with little effort.
It had been three whole days since Hoagie had disappeared, which was enough for them all to panic.

"Calm down, okay? It's not like it just happened. I've been working on a plan."

Kuki looked up at Rachel with tears in her eyes, "you have?"

"Yeah. And don't worry, I have a backup plan. It won't be ending up like last time..."

"You mean, “last time” as in, a few days ago when you let Numbuh Two walk around alone expecting him to come back with the blood of a beast 3x his size?"

Rachel let out a sigh, "look, I know, I screwed up."

"Calling that a screw up is a little bit of an understatement," Chad huffed. "He's the best 2×4 tech officer in all of the KND. Who knows what Nigel could do with his intelligence!"

"I know, I know. I promise I won't be letting that happen again. This time, we'll bring some soldiers for protection."

"We're storming the place AGAIN?!"

"No, no. We're just blasting a hole through wherever we detect signs of life in the base until we find him. Once we find him, we snatch him up, and flee as quickly as possible. The soldiers are just...-"



"We could've used those beforehand, or else we wouldn't have to be doing this in the first place," Abby laughed.

"Look, I get it. This is my fault. I'm not perfect, okay?"

"We know, but you have to admit... This was easily avoidable."

"I know it was. I'm sure he'll be understanding of the mistake I made."

The group had a bit of a chuckle at Rachel's remark. The boy had too much empathy to not forgive someone, especially for a mistake. Sometimes, that led them into quite a bit of trouble, whenever he decided to forgive the wrong person...
Regardless, they all agreed to the mission. The faster they got the boy out of the place, the better.
Unlike Wally, he wasn't capable of breaking out of the base. He might be a wizz at any kind of technology you hand him, but his strength was only a little better than average. He could lift quite a few pounds, but that was only due to his size. Knowing Nigel, he wasn't going to let Hoagie tamper with things that could allow him to escape. Unfortunately for the rebellion, he isn't stupid.
The group called for some troops and began suiting up for their journey. They all crossed their fingers, hoping that Rachel was right about how this would turn out. All they wanted for once was a small rescue mission that doesn't end up taking hours.

Hoagie and XWSI10 were jammed back into their "enclosure". No matter how many times Nigel did this, Hoagie noticed how XWSI10 fought back every time. Of course, he completely understood why he fought back. He wasn't exactly happy sleeping in a tiny room with a cold and hard floor, either. It just didn't do anything good for him by fighting back. The poor thing would get shocked for it.
He slid his back up against the wall, trying to catch his breath. Generalized anxiety made it hard to breathe to begin with, and being in an air-tight base on a small planet didn't help his case. XWSI10 sat down in front of him and shot him a bunch of indecipherable looks.

"What's your problem now?"


"Do you need me to scratch your chin again or something?"

The beast shook his head side to side, before collapsing on the ground. He pulled at Hoagie's shoes continuously, leaving teeth marks in the rubber.

"Look, you know I can't understand you. I'm sorry," Hoagie grumbled, "and I'm not exactly in the mood for shenanigans right now anyways. Nigel's yelling gave me a panic attack."

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