Chapter Five

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The two awoke to loud banging on the tinted glass window.

"Wake up! We've got work to do."

XWSI10 jumped up immediately and began scratching at the door, impatiently waiting for it to open. Hoagie was far from awake, having fallen asleep only two hours prior due to going by the time back in his state. He grabbed his hat and goggles, putting them on neatly so he could find out what Nigel had planned for him.
The door hissed open. XWSI10 dashed out, glad to be let free again. Hoagie, on the other hand, was struggling to stand.

Nigel hissed at him, "sorry, pal. You're gonna need to get used to the time zones we go by. It's a little, uhm... Different."

"You go by a specific time zone?"

"Romanian time zones."

"Wh- Romania?! Isn't that, like... Far from where we were in the USA?!"

"Yeah," he began pacing around the enclosure, "but I'm a night owl, so it only made sense."

Hoagie pressed his fingers against his forehead and rubbed it, in hopes that it'd stop some of the pain that was caused by a headache -- a by-product of the stress from the whole ordeal. He carefully pulled himself up off the cold metal floor and used the wall as support to begin walking towards the door. Nigel put a hand on his back, as if he were helping him walk. In reality, he didn't really care. He only cared when it inconvenienced him... A way he never would've felt before this whole 'Galactic Kids Next Door' stuff came into his life.

"So, tell me... What is it you wanted me for?"

"Nuclear weapons."

Hoagie stopped in his tracks. "What?! Nucle- WHAT?! Run that by me some more, will you?!"

"I'm trying to destroy earth as quick as possible, you imbecile. None of these kids know how to make nukes, besides you... It's much better than lighting everything on fire, which is what we tried before... Damn firemen."

"You want me to... Construct a nuke?"


"Do you REALIZE what material that costs?! The time, the effort- m-my family's down on earth still, for cryin' out loud!"

"We have the materials. Besides, two of your three immediate family members are adults. If you really want, we can save Tommy. As much as I hate the little ankle-biter, he could prove useful..."

"Y- what?! You'll only save Tommy because he MIGHT be able to help you?!"

Nigel snickered, "well, yeah. I mean, you've gotta admit... He's pretty smart, despite being rather annoying."

"You... You are just-"

"Unbelievable? Evil? Deranged? I've heard it all before. Save your breath."

Hoagie looked at the reflection of Nigel that was showing on a particularly shiny piece of metal. He seemed... Happy with himself. Although his eyes weren't visible, his slight smile made it clear that he wasn't going back on any of this easily.

"...Where's the Numbuh One I used to know?"

"I am the Numbuh One you used to know."

"No. He wouldn't do this. There's innocent people on earth, and you just... You want to go and destroy it all?!"

"There's too many adults on that hellhole of a planet and you know it," Nigel growled. "Besides... Earth was already dooming itself slowly."

Hoagie looked back up to the reflection in the metal, seeing Nigel's facial expressions had become more serious. He knew he couldn't reason with him. He might have a way with words, but Nigel was dead set on thinking this would be for the better of the Kids Next Door. He would do anything for his organization, even if everyone told him he was wrong.
Hoagie lowered his chin and crossed his arms, letting Nigel know he wasn't interested in fighting anymore. He gave him a sinister looking smile and continued walking room to room. Hoagie kept rather low to the ground, thinking about all the things that led him to this point. Then, they stopped. Nigel gave him a tap on the shoulder and pointed to the lever beside the door.

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