Chapter Ten

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Rachel sat outside of the ship on the sandy ground of the planet they had parked on. It was a relatively small planet, and its only life forms couldn't even be seen with the naked eye. The sand was an unusual dark grey-blue color, and felt softer than the sand on earth. The sky was blue, but it was a bit darker than the blue sky on earth.
There was a gentle wind gust that blew her hair slightly to the right. She had been contemplating cutting it even shorter than it already was, but as of that moment, she had worse concerns. In fact, that was exactly why she was off the ship and staring off into the nothingness in the distance. Her brain felt clouded, and no matter what she did... The clouds never went away.
No real progress has been made in stopping Nigel.
Chad kept telling her not to worry. Working with him made him realize that he liked to do things one at a time - as evident by him following them around and knocking their ship down just to turn Wally (mostly) back to normal. Still, it didn't feel right. He was threatening all the lives on earth, and he had been for the past six months. They were supposed to stop him, but they haven't even gotten close.
Rachel heard footsteps from behind her slowly approach, and then stop. Whoever was now sitting next to her was to her right, but her hair was obstructing her view of the person. Considering she wasn't being strangled to death right now, she didn't bother turning her head to see who was there. It was probably one of the Rebellion members wanting to keep her company.
She gently brushed her fingers against the abnormally colored sand. When she was five, she'd collect sand from the local beach to take home and play with because of how much she liked the feeling of sand. It was a sensation she couldn't quite explain, but it made her happy.

"It feels nice, doesn't it?"

Abby spoke with a very soft voice.

"Oh, uh... Yeah."

She sighed softly. "Good, good... You feeling alright?"

"I'm okay, Numbuh Five."

"Really, now? So much so that you made your way outside of the ship, despite how leaving the safety of the ship makes you feel unsafe?"

Rachel didn't reply. She only tilted her head down, but that signaled to Abby that she was correct about how she was feeling.

"You can talk about it with me. I don't judge." She smiled.

"You sure? It might overwhelm you."

"Baby, I don't get overwhelmed like that. I've always been cool with listening to vents."

"Alright, thank you..."

Rachel clasped her hands together nervously and began letting out how she felt. Abby sat there, listening to each and every word. As she went about her venting, she progressively got more and more emotional. Her voice got louder, her body became tense, and she was red in the face by the time she had finished. She took a deep breath to get in some air after her long vent as Abby rubbed her shoulder gently to ease some of her tension.

"I understand that. I don't blame you for feeling that way about this whole ordeal."

"Really? But... I'm supposed to be, I don't know... Professional."

"Being professional doesn't mean having no emotions on the matter. It's okay to feel stressed, angry, and sad."

"Nigel didn't do all of that, though."

"Oh, honey..." She shot her a look of disbelief, "if you really think he didn't do " all of that", then you need to open your eyes."

"Well, he was paranoid, sure... But he didn't let that get in the way."

Abby held back her chuckles to keep from embarrassing Rachel. "Oh, no, no... He did. He most certainly did."


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