Chapter Fourteen

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Hoagie lowered the ship onto a planet no one on board had been on until that point. It looked like earth, except for the dull pink sky and yellow grass. It was also rather empty for being able to sustain life. A refuelling station set up by galactic officials was all they needed to be there for, but unfortunately for them, it would take a while. Their ship was big, so it required lots of fuel. Hoagie stretched his limbs and got up from his seat.

"Okay, I'm going to plug this baby in. It should be about..." He looked at the fuel indicator, then back at Lizzie. "-two earth hours."

"Right. I'll look over the cockpit while you do that. Why don't you get some fresh air while you're out, too?"

"What do you mean? I've gotta go out there anyways."

"I dunno, why don't you just sit against a tree and take in the view? This planet looks pretty nice."

Hoagie took a look out the cockpit window and laughed. "Yeah, okay... I guess you're right. I could use a bit of a break in alien nature."

He pushed a button on the right side of the upper control panel, lowering down a large metal staircase. He pushed open the door and travelled down the stairs to begin plugging in the ship.
Lizzie immediately jumped into his seat, disengaged the lock on it, and began spinning it around. She giggled as she spun the chair around as fast as she could using her legs. She didn't have seats capable of spinning like that on her planet, so she took every chance she got to make herself dizzy in a spinning chair.
The sound of the door behind her opening caused her to fall out of her seat in surprise.
"Woah, are you okay?!"

Lizzie squinted and rubbed her head in an attempt to reduce her dizziness. Chad grabbed her hand and helped her back up onto the chair.

"Spinning in it again?"

"Yeah..." She said, still slightly dazed.

"Close your eyes and keep your head low. That helps me, usually."

Lizzie closed her eyes and tilted her head down, just like he said.

"Sorry, I can't help it. I love spinning in these spinny chairs."

"I know, I do too. You okay now?"

Lizzie looked up at him. "Yeah, I'm not seeing doubles anymore."

"Good, good..." Chad stuffed his hands into his pockets and looked up at the ceiling. "I wanted to apologize for last night..."

Lizzie turned the chair to face his direction.

"-I didn't mean to get all pissy. It's a sensitive topic for me..."

"I understand. I had a feeling you didn't intend to lash out. I did kind of say something... Insensitive."

"Well, it's not your fault, really. You're just trying to be optimistic."

"Still, I think you deserve an apology from me."

"Yeah, I guess... Are we okay now?"

"I mean, I never had an issue with you, so yeah."

"You didn't? That's weird. I'd think you'd be a bit intimidated by me, at the very least."

"Not really. I knew what I said was insensitive after it came out of my mouth. Your reaction was pretty understandable."

"What about Numbuh 362?"

"Oh- uh... Well, that's a different story..." She toyed with her braids. "I haven't checked in with her since I tucked her in, but she seemed pretty startled."

Chad sulked. "I guess I should apologize to her, too. Poor girl."

"You go do that, okay? I'll be here if you need me."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 03 ⏰

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