Chapter Eleven

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Chad knocked on Hoagies door gently with his knuckles before letting himself in. He was met with Wally growling, thinking he was an intruder ready to kill. He did it before he was turned into a mutated human, but it felt less over self protection and more over the protection of others now.

"Woah, woah. Calm down."

His ears perked up and the fur on his body flattened.

"Whoops, sorry."

"It's alright, man. How's Numbuh Two?"

Wally turned his head around to look at Hoagie, who was asleep.

"He looks... Uh, well... I can't tell if he's sick or not. I don't think so, how would he possibly get sick?"

"That's not what I meant!- wait, you're using logic?"

"Of course I am, dumbass! Do you think I'm an idiot?!"

Chad winced and avoided eye contact, "yeah, kinda."

"Well, for your information, I'm NOT an idiot." He crossed his arms and sulked. "I just... Have a few learning disabilities..."

"Oh!- oh. Well, now I feel like a jerk."

Wally looked up at him, his pupils dilated. "No, don't feel bad. Everyone thinks I'm a lazy bum."

Wally curled his body up as Chad tapped his foot awkwardly. He felt really embarrassed to have called him names not knowing why he was perceived as stupid. It's not like Wally cared - mostly because it's all he knew - but he still felt awful.

"I came in here to check on Numbuh Two, but... You seem like you need to vent."

"No. I'm fine." He wrapped his tail around his face to cover his mouth.

"Really? You don't seem fine."

"I... I don't want to talk about it with you. No offense."

"Why not? Hey, I'm not gonna shoot you over it."

"You intimidate me, Chad. I'm scared of you."

"Woah, scared? Wallabee Beetles, the kid who can beat up ten men in a minute, is scared of me?" His eyes widen as if he had witnessed a horrible scene. "I don't know if I should take that as a compliment or if I should feel bad..."

The boy's ears flattened again, "take it as a compliment, but don't you dare tell anyone I feel that way."

"Okay... Right..." He nervously put his hands behind his back and looked off to the side. "Can you tell Numbuh Two to come to me when he's awake?"

"And where will you be when he's awake?"

"Oh- come on! You know I only hang out in the living quarters and my room!"

"No... No, I don't know that. Because-"

"Right, right- sorry... I forgot... I'll just head out."

Chad nodded his head and scurried out of the room, feeling very embarrassed over his continuous mistakes. Wally kept his body curled up. He felt a little embarrassed, too. Not because of Chad's mistakes, but because he felt too afraid to let him know that it really wasn't a big deal. He probably would've stuck around longer if he said that in a more truthful sounding manner.
A sudden shuffle and mutter came from behind him and he whipped his head around to see what it was. Hoagie had begun his sleep mumbles and turned over on his side. Wally sat himself back up and peered over his friends shoulder to double check if he was awake or not. Judging by his gaping mouth and weird hand position, it was obvious he was in a deep sleep.
He curled his body up again, this time right against his friend's back. Almost immediately after an arm went over him and his reflexes kicked in, making him bite and scratch at it.

The Rebellion. (GKND fanfiction) Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang