Chapter Nine

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They all gasped in disbelief. They had all believed he was dead, yet... Here he was. He was right under their heads this whole time.

"What, is that surprising?"

"Fool, we all thought he was dead!"

Nigel rolled his eyes. "Oh, you've gotta be kidding me... Your strongest soldier goes missing and one month later, you meet a strong werewolf with a shock collar that just so happens to have the same attitude, eye color and hair color?"

"The last remaining proof we had of him being alive was him screaming out in agony, you think we wouldn't take that to mean he was dead?!"

"Ah, touché. I guess I did neglect to mention it, didn't I?" Nigel cleared his throat. "No matter, we must be off now. Have fun with your new furry friend!"

Nigel pulled Fanny by the arm right back into the ship and they blasted off in a matter of seconds. Everyone rushed to Wallys side, except for Rachel, who was contacting moon base for a new ship.
He kept his eyes squinted and his ears pinned back against his head. His breathing was a little too fast paced for normal. None of them even cared to examine his new look, they hadn't even properly processed that he was alive yet. Chad lifted him over his shoulders and carried him over to Rachel, who was tapping her foot.

"When's our new ride gonna get here? We need to get this kid back on his feet YESTERDAY!"

"They'll be here in a minute. Mind you, I have no clue what ship they're going to be sending exactly... I was a bit panicked when I had asked for them to send one to care which one they sent."

"Well, that's just great! What if they send one that isn't gonna let us rest?"

"I don't know," she fretted, "we'll have to see when it gets here."


Back on Nigels ship, things weren't exactly calm either.

"THAT'S what you wanted to do?! I thought we were gonna put a stop to them, not take away their class pet!"

"Calm down, Numbuh Eighty-Six. We can't just kick them in the behind and call it a day."

"Yes we most certainly can! I cannot believe you- this is just going to set us back!"

"Nonsense. Wallabee isn't a gigantic killing machine anymore, so they've lost their biggest weapon right before they could even use it."

Lizzie sat in the pilots seat, listening to the two go back and forth on the matter. As much as she wanted to strangle the both of them, she had a ship to get back in one piece.
She thought this whole operation was stupid. They wanted to blow up the earth to eliminate all adults, but had no consideration for the children that would be taken along with the adults. She couldn't go against them, though... She'd be hunted down and killed.
She had reason to believe Fanny had the same believe deep down - that this was a horrible plot. But as expected from Fanny, she obeyed the higher-ups. As far as she was concerned, she had no reason to believe Nigels intentions were bad.
The twos argument was basically a broken record. A volcanic eruption of anger, followed by a calm, collected and sophisticated response, before it repeated again. It was tiring Lizzie, and she wasn't even involved in the argument. She was just about ready to purposely crash the ship, if it meant they'd shut up.


The ship that arrived to pick up the six Rebellion members was far from expected. It looked identical to the one that had crashed. An operative opened the door and greeted his higher-ups.

"Thank you for sending us this ship, but... How did you get a replica of our old ship?"

"Numbuh Two sent us blueprints and asked us to make identical ships in an instance where one is destroyed, sir."

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