Chapter Thirteen

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Wally's ear twitched in his sleep.


Wally let out an angry snort.


Wally's eyes snapped open and he growled in the direction of the voice.

"Who're you calling dipshit, dipshit?!"

"I knew that'd get you up."

Wally snapped out of his rage to see Hoagie, still laying straight on his back and facing the ceiling, but awake. He began to yelp with joy, jump around on all fours, and wag his bandaged tail as fast as he could. He scurried over to Hoagie's side and tried climbing on him.

"Owh-! B-Be gentle, everything hurts!"

Wally winced and backed down off of the bed.

"Sorry... I'm just- excited you're awake! I've been sooooo lonely, Hoagie!"

"Must've missed me, huh? How long was I out?"

"A day and a half."

Hoagie turned his head to look at Wally.

"...E-Excuse me? A day and a half?"


Hoagie snickered. "A day... A day and a half? Oh my goodness, Wally. You were alone for a DAY AND A HALF and had THAT reaction?!"

"Leave me alone! It's not my fault I'm so attached..." He looked away sheepishly.

The door to the room was kicked open and everyone on board began flooding into the room, chattering to Hoagie. Wally snapped at every foot that stepped within six feet of his floor space.
Rachel and Abby were sitting beside his bed, trying to talk to him. Lizzie and Chad had taken to unhooking him from some machines. Kuki, as expected, stood there awkwardly. She didn't exactly know what to do, besides stare at Wally as he bit everyone's ankles.
Lizzie and Chad ran out the room to prepare a meal for Hoagie once he was unhooked and injected with pain killers. Abby and Rachel got tired of the ankle biter on the floor and left to speak to Hoagie once his friend wasn't being a territorial goblin. Kuki didn't have much of a reason to leave, so she sat and kept the two company. Hoagie managed to sit himself up, despite being really weak.

"So many machines... Did they really need all of those? I mean... Come on. Now everything hurts..."

Wally crawled back up onto his bed, this time with caution. He curled around his feet to avoid touching his currently sensitive skin, staring up at him.

"Oh, you poor thing. Did you miss me and my funny jokes thaaaat much?"

"Yes." He huffed.

"Good to know. I missed you too, not that it felt like I was out for long..."

Hoagie used his only remaining hand to scratch Wally's head. His eyes shut and a slight smile formed on his face as Hoagie's nails began scratching the spot he liked most on his head.

"...What do you call a happy tree?"

Wally opened his eyes and sat up. "Wuh?"

"A CHEERY tree! Bwahahaa!"

Hoagie kicked his feet and laughed, but quickly lost his balance due to the missing arm and fell over. Wally caught him before his head could slam against the bed frame.

"Be careful, you clown! I missed your jokes, but you'll get yourself injured if you aren't carefully with how hard you laugh at them!"

Wally pulled Hoagie back up into a sitting position and stuffed his face into his chest.

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